Chapter 7 - Merchants Guild


The next morning, no, it's noon, not morning. Anyway, I sleep in the morning. That's why I woke up the next day and opened my smartphone.

Some plants are the result of my efforts and have been harvested. Come to think of it, it's been long. My index finger suffers from watering, weeding, and pest control.

My fingers are tattered. Even though I haven't done anything before, my index finger is trembling.

However, my troubles were finally over.

[Harvest. Let's pull up the crops and harvest them!]

"Isn't it still?"

It takes 15 minutes to harvest with a devil-like expression, and 15 minutes to wash the vegetables when I think it's done.

I can finally finish harvesting.

[Congratulations! Great success in harvesting ladir! The total number of taps so far is 474821.500 ladir to harvest! There's also a perfect bonus. Level up!]

"Eh? What level? I just found out about it for the first time."

[Congratulations! You are at level 5. Improved work efficiency. You can use new farmland.]

Thank you for improving work efficiency. This should make things easier. But now I want to believe in one possibility rather than that. This is the removal of the planted crops.

It is stored in the item column now, but the question is whether it can be retrieved. This will change my future.

[Please select the number of items to pick up.]

"Come on, I'm here. If this ..."

Try to pick one and get it out. Then appeared before me as I imagined. It looks completely radish.

Well, I don't care about that. The rest is whether this will sell. But there is another problem. The question is how to sell it.

No doubt it would be a huge commotion if you suddenly put something like this in front of you.

If so, we need to do something. Then, at that moment, I heard a voice from outside.

When I looked out the window, I found that the innkeeper had brought something from the carriage. This is true. I quickly left the room and went downstairs.

"Good morning. Would you like some help?"

"No, this is my job, so I can't ask customers to help me ..."

"No, don't worry. I have a little request. I want to rent this train for a while after I finish unloading all this luggage."

"Are you a carriage? But ..."

"Of course not free. How about three silver coins?"

In that case, he promised to lend me a loan after I finished unloading all of my belongings. If that happens, I will immediately help lower the load.

To be honest, it hurts that you haven't moved much lately. Even though I was in a hurry, there was a huge difference in the amount of daily exercise.

After that, I rented a carriage from the owner and tried to go out with a ladir so as not to get noticed. I can't control the carriage.

And I still don't know the location of the Merchants Guild. So I asked the landlady to control the carriage. Money continues to decline.

The Ladir stacks are covered with shade to keep out direct sunlight.

Thanks to that, I was able to carry it without paying attention to what I was carrying along the way.

I was confused if I was alone, but with the guidance of the owner, I was able to reach the commercial guild in no time. I asked the owner to take care of my luggage and I entered the Merchants Guild alone.

The inside was suddenly packed, and a large number of products were being traded here and there. It feels like Tsukiji. Move inside and head to the admissions counter.

There were a lot of people at the counter, but I could tell right away if a lot of people would come every day to register.

"Welcome to the Merchants Guild. First of all, you will be asked to fill out a registration form and receive 5 silver coins as an entry fee."

"Okay. And I have a product I want to sell right now, is that all right?"

"Okay, please fill in the items and numbers on this form."

I was given a form and asked to fill it out, but I couldn't wait for a moment if I couldn't write it because I didn't know the character of this country at all. However, I immediately got an idea and took out my smartphone.

This is a translation application launched. Just having this shouldn't cause problems in the conversation.

Then the others. Yesterday, when I was searching for other apps with my finger, I found that there is also a function that converts the characters I type into this state character.

There is a possibility of an incorrect conversion, which is common with translation apps, but there is no way to confirm it, so enter as is. By the way, the name remains the same without using a pseudonym.

When I filled everything and took it to the reception and was surprised then opened my eyes towards me.

"Did you bring Ladir? And 500 ..."

"Yes, I put it outside now, so I want to go in early."

"I understand. Please guide me."

The receptionist gathered the others and followed me.

I'm a little nervous about whether it's really important, but I'll guide them so it doesn't appear on their faces.

When I went outside, the owner noticed me but turned a little pale as if I had thought of something in the commercial guild behind it.

"I'm sorry, the landlady. Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Okay. More than that ... what kind of situation is this ..."

"Sorry, but please step back."

As the guild staff told me to move, I arrived at the warehouse behind me. Therefore, he wanted to check the product, so remove the shade.

Then, the incredible Radial white (Radish White) reflects the sunlight and looks radiant.


"This must be White Radish!"

"And good quality!"

This is more troublesome than I expected.

However, it seems to be selling for a good price because it is so popular.

Delivery work begins immediately and prices are calculated from quality and quantity.

"They are of very good quality. As you can see, there are 500 of them. The prices vary somewhat ... How about one gold coin and two large silver coins?"

"Hmm ... can I raise it a little more?"

"Sorry. If you sell more than that, no customer will buy from us, so no more ..."

I'm not sure, but I think it's enough.

I said that if you can give it to me, I want to give it to you, so I will end the transaction at that price.

Then a man with a small bag came out from behind and started filling the bag with White Radish.

But the sight looks strange.

After all, many Radishes are packed in bags that can only hold a few turnips.

"Sorry, sorry ... that bag ..."

"Oh, are you seeing it for the first time? It's a storage bag. Its storage capacity is greatly increased by magical power. Well, this is a rare product on the market. That one exceeds 300 gold coins. Because."

Is there such a thing?