Chapter 30 - Eel Sauce Part 1

"Well... about 3 days with a car. If back and forth, seven days including enough loads..."

"Okay, then I'll wait! Oh, but if there's any product left, it'll take time to go home. Anyway, I'll buy the rest. What if a total of 10 gold coins, including the gold coin I mentioned earlier? "

"10! Gold coin! Of course! Please, sir!"

"Then negotiation is over. A week later... No, maybe eight days later. Nice to meet you!"

"Yes thank you!"

Really! It completes the protection for ketchup and miso! It takes money, but it's not like it's gonna happen.

By giving them money in large amounts first, the possibility of increasing future production is rising.

It takes time to make ketchup and miso. It cheap enough to invest about 10 gold coins.

And ketchup and miso will be popular. No, Rei will make him popular.

Even if Rei spent money here, then Rei should be able to make more than that. Furthermore, Rei has all the materials now.

After that, when Rei went shopping, it smelled good again.

When Rei smelled her again, the store looked a little expensive, unlike any other store.

The one that lines are eggs and milk products.

"Welcome! The master is there with his friend. How? Our shop has all the good stuff?" rei's reprimand the merchant.

"Hey, you got all the good stuff. And this egg is big and nice. How long has it been since you laid it down?"

"It's been a week since I waited for him to lay eggs. This chicken just gave birth today. That's why I brought chicken and rooster. If you want meat, you can judge it now." Answer the trader.

That way, the chicken taken by the owner was bigger than the chicken Rei knew and was able to hold it. Violence is transmitted from appearance.

Chicken ramped at the hands of the owner's shop still holding his wings. But this may be true.

"If possible, I would like a cock and a live rooster. Can you sell it?"

"I don't care about the rooster, but chicken... The male chicken must have five silver coins and the chicken must have 2 large silver coins."

"Then I'll make an offer. I'll buy as many chickens as you have. Boy... is up to the girl." Rei's bargain.

"I can only sell... I don't mind selling all the chickens I'm carrying right now. There are 10 chickens with two gold coins. What about men?"

"Don't worry if you mind, then I'll buy one rooster. Because I only need one chicken. And fresh eggs and... cheese.?"

One glance, Rei doesn't know, but there's a cheese disc too big to hold.

Rei thought it was just a wooden one, but when she saw the pawn next to her, finally Rei realized it.

"This is our village's specific food! It's nice to be baked and put on bread. Expensive, so it's not easy to get it, but an adventurer has money. Some do. I sold it for 5 large silver coins for one piece. '

Cut it to 40 the same, but it's still big, so there's a certain amount.

It takes a lot of time and energy to make cheese. However, an old product as hard as it is here is expensive.

"What can I say? This is a necessary expense. Are you going to sell this cheese?"

"Really!" All right, I'll cut it right now..."

"No, I'll buy it all. 13 gold coins is enough, right?"

"Is that so!"? That's more than enough... I like trading with you, sir..."

Rei felt the merchant had been pretty much behavior.

Yeah, Rei got 30 gold coins as the capital of Viscount Andrew, so it's okay.

No matter how often Rei used it, her wallet won't hurt.

Rei had a hard time paying the price and defending what he bought as usual.

Rei can keep cheese and eggs, but no chicken. Poland dropped her off the phone while Rei was confused.

"Lord Rei. Sorry, but living things can't get into storage bags..."

"Huh? Is that so?"

"There are various theories, but the storage bag itself doesn't contain the magic to save those creatures."

It's the first time Rei's heard of it. Isn't it weird? Plants and beans can be saved alive.

It's possible to take it and grow it again.

There may be other factors that are only animals that can't.

So, does that mean if Rei was bred at his factory farm, Rei could only buy it for in-game billing?

When Rei checked his smartphone secretly, Rei got a notification.

[I got possession by buying. Target can be trained in apps. Do you want to sign and save?

Turns out, if you make a contract, you can keep it.

When Rei knocked the button yes, the magic circle seemed difficult to emerge around the chicken.

The magic circle glowed, and when it exploded, the chickens there had disappeared.

Maybe now it seems like it's been saved.

"Oh, looks like okay."

"Eh, uh..."

The branch tried to say something but did not quite understand the principle or what happened, so Rei decided to leave the place before being pursued.

Honestly, even if they ask him something, magic would be amazing.


After that, Rei had lunch outside and went back to the mansion.

Poland is looking for a lot of things today but doesn't understand.

After returning to the mansion, let's rent a part of the kitchen and do what we want to do.

Rei thought he'd do it himself, but the chef would support him as an assistant and advisor.

To be honest, Rei was grateful for this. Also, a new familiar has come out of his smartphone who wants to help too.

Once ready, the Kabayaki eel has begun.

Rei made the sauce today, but also very needy and sake.

There's nothing Rei can do, so don't say that luxury. Did Rei want to do something with the ketchup and the honey beans?

"Sorry I rented the kitchen." (Rei)

"I spoke to Count Falcon, so no problem. May I see it?" (Chef)

"Yes, I want advice too. I want you to tell me how to handle honey fruit...

Rei wanted to make honey into sugar, but didn't know how to make it, and can't buy a prescription app because she didn't have any money.

Rei thought it was possible, but unfortunately, it wasn't possible because the sweetness wasn't enough.

"Is this a honey fruit? Easy, but it takes hard work, so let's do it together." Answer the chef.

"Please. I want to make one product so for this jar... it's okay?" asked Rei by showing a jar to save honey fruit.

Rei didn't miss the face distorted chef when he said the amount. Is that a bother?

Rei's phone is having enough honey beans to fill the kitchen.

"All right, let's do something. First, destroy the honey beans and remove the liquid. We'll do it while we're cooking to make the seeds and shells not bother." Fun the chef.

You can tell by destroying it, but there's a lot of small seeds. However, this kind of work seems to be done soon.

Wrap it up with a cloth and destroy everything to get it done.

"By the way, if it's destroyed everything and the seeds break, it's gonna be bitter, so destroy it with caution one by one. Besides, the destroyed will have a lot of sweet taste, so wash it clean with water." Chef explains.

"Eh? Will it come out when the seeds are destroyed?" asked Rei.

"It's out" answers the chef keris.

"And washing it with water will take longer to boil."

"Simply put, it takes twice as long."

So... this is hell. After that, Rei started destroying honey fruit, which he didn't want to say with words.

Wrap bubbles, wrap up bubbles, break the honey fruit with two people and clean up the remaining.

While continuing the job, the vintage essence is slowly lifted with a small flame at the same time.

It's a heavy task. If the heat is too strong, it'll burn, so be careful with the pan and stir.

Let it boil for a few hours. Chef stops when it becomes thick liquid like honey.

"It's about this sweet taste. That's it."

"Is it still liquid? Doesn't that form a sandy crystal?"

'Cause, this is a honey fruit. It seems nothing can't crystallize, but it's the best use."

Rei can't hide her surprises when the honey sugar is ready. But if you hear the story, it seems that the food will shine when it's used in this state.

Strangely, it might fit for kabayaki sauce.

The work after it's too late, so Rei thought he'd do it tomorrow, but it's kind of best to wait a while after a chili, so Rei would make it now.

Easy to do. Mix ketchup and honey syrup in the right amount.

This time, Rei added salt soy sauce.

When it tasted, Rei felt the salt added lately felt spicy and it felt unregulated. So Rei decided to have time to be done.

Rei wanted to say that this is the end, but still not enough for his eel sauce.

Add what's here. It's a grilled bone.