Chapter 20 - Attack Part 2

However, their bodies were tattered and several were walking to see if several horses had been killed.

And on his horse was a bodyguard who was so badly injured that it was impossible to walk.

Treatment was started immediately, but I was completely pale in the face of this situation. I want you to think about it. Those who had been doing well until now are suddenly wounded to the point of wandering life or death.

I'm not a doctor and I don't know what to do.

"Hey! Quick Potions, the wound is worse than that."

It seemed like something was wrong, but I could only hear his voice, so I didn't understand the situation.

Then there was another bodyguard nearby, so I asked him how it felt.

"No one in this bodyguard can use healing magic. I brought a potion instead, but in the royal capital there is a high demand for potions and not many options are available. I've used a few potions. But the potions were exhausted and the wounds were scarred." already ... "

"Potions ... like this?"

I took the potion from my smartphone.

This was bought on Cymbals. I bought it for the first time in this world.

I bought two after that, so I have two. According to Sardo, it looks like it's of high quality, so hopefully, it's useful.

"This is this! Can we use it?"

"Of course. If this saves him, use it immediately."

Immediately after receiving the potion, the guards went straight to the wounded soldier. After that, we decided to camp here today due to medical issues, but it turned out that thanks to my potion, the soldier's wounds seemed to have healed and thanks to the Count and the many bodyguards.

"But ... I used to have that many options. It's a fine product that rarely appears in royal capitals."

"Right. !! No, I happened to buy it at the Cymbals shop before."

"Teacher. Do you know those difficult boy Cymbals?"

Hard to please? It doesn't look like that to me. Seems like a good trader.

Well, it might look like that since we're doing business with aristocrats.

"Sardo just looks like a nice young man. I happen to be in his shop, but he's nice to me."

"Huh? Teacher, maybe better be careful. Cymbals are a famous shop in the royal capital that no one knows. Even nobles can't touch the cymbals. Hmm. I haven't heard any bad rumors, but I heard that some nobles have borrowed too much. a lot of money and get trapped and destroyed. "

There's nothing wrong with Cymbals. I just borrowed money and broke down my house. The count's grandson sighed and began to explain whether he had seen such an expression.

"There are some undeliverable aristocrats who think that they will attack and take borrowed money if it is to be destroyed. Besides, when it comes to the exclusive army of nobles and mercenaries, they are all skilled. However, Cymbal doesn't even mention such cases of assault. Here, it is possible that Cymbals have their pawns, and they are much stronger than aristocratic soldiers. Cymbals are one of the most influential people in the royal capital, possessing money and power. "

"Is that so,"

I never thought of that. If you think about it in Japan, does every big company have an army?

Or maybe like the mafia or the yakuza.

I don't know how to think about it, but I wonder if many mercenaries are as strong as a well-known company.

If I'm going to do business in the future, I need a companion like that ...

With that in mind, he seemed to have started preparing dinner, and I decided to cook the eel as promised yesterday.

However, when I think about it now, I have never judged an eel. However, I've seen it on TV and in the video, so I'll try to emulate it.

I took the eel out of my phone and put it on the cutting board, but the cooks around me left because the eel looked creepy.

From this, I'm sure the eel head is mounted on a pole, but I can't find anything that works.

I was suddenly looking for something that could be used in a railroad repair kit, and I found that it had a nail in it, so I replaced it.

All you have to do is insert the knife from its back and open it. This is very difficult.

It's slimy and the movements are strong, so it doesn't go very well. By the way, the way to handle eels is different between Kanto and Kansai.

There may be various theories, but there are many samurai in the Kanto region, and opening the stomach is a picture of seppuku, so opening the back is the mainstream. On the other hand, there are many traders in Kansai, and the most important one is an open stomach in the sense that you have to talk with an open stomach.

It's a little slower than that, but I managed to open it up and remove my spine.

The spine looks delicious, so I wanted to make it into bone crackers. But unfortunately, there is no oil. I will save it on my smartphone and create it if the opportunity arises.

Clean the body of the eel with water and remove the internal organs. Eel blood is poisonous, so if there is a problem with the poison it will be difficult, so wash it thoroughly with water.

I'm sure the poison is sensitive to heat, so I think it's fine if it's roasted white, Just in case but I'm just an amateur. After that, sprinkle salt and bake.

I don't know how to bake it, but it has been said for a long time that seafood is grilled from the body, and rivers are baked from the skin.

Well, river fish is mostly grilled, so it doesn't seem like much of a problem.

When you heat the eel, it smells good.

However, this scent was not very familiar to me. By the way, I've never eaten Shiroyaki, so I don't know what it tastes like. Kabayaki tastes better because I was a kid.

When I serve white eel for dinner, everyone is surprised by what has happened yet.

Well, maybe it couldn't be helped to say it. Only Japan and England eat eels on earth.

Viscount Andrew then wondered if he could get it.

Well, this Viscount likes fishing, but he also likes to eat. The viscount was surprised when he opened his eyes while he was eating.

"Huh! Is this a fish called an eel? It has an elegant taste that you can't imagine from the outside."

Hearing that, Count Falcon and his grandson also started eating. There was no problem.

By the way, I tried it too, but it sure tastes good.

It is delicious, but when it comes to eels, the image of kabayaki is so strong that it feels unsatisfactory.

Maybe it's better to buy soy sauce quickly. Withdrawal symptoms are less likely to occur.

That night I forgot about the daytime raid and was able to finish it happily.

However, due to several injuries, starting the next day, we decided to move faster than before.

The train vibrations to the count increased, but the count was also former soldiers. Three days later, we finally arrived at the royal capital.


The horse was exhausted from unreasonable movements. However, it was worth it, and I was able to arrive in 5 days which would take a week.

In addition, traveling on the safe route is likely to take twice as many days.

The royal capital was surrounded by a large wall.

Many houses were lined up outside the walls, perhaps because of the large population. This is quite a big city.

It's kind of fantasy and excitement. The people outside the walls were not people who suffered ordinary oppression, and they seemed to live without discomfort.

I heard before that most of the walls are nobles and the rest are knights and officers that can be used in the castle.

It seemed that large companies were within the walls, and the goal of many merchants was to set up shop within the walls.

There are a lot of things in town that I haven't seen and that's interesting. It might be interesting to have a look at the city soon.

However, today I will go straight to the wall. There seemed to be a strict inspection before entering the wall, but there were nobles, nobles, and viscounts.

Several bodyguards went straight to the hospital with injuries.

I was relieved by this, so I went straight to the noble house.

When you enter the wall, you will be surprised, which is very different from the previous scene.

First of all, the road is made of white concrete-like material. Almost no trash fell, and the back alley looks beautiful at first glance.

After all, the running children and the humans occupying the back alley could hardly get out of this wall.