Chapter 34 - Dinner


I managed to change my mood to stress and the banquet began. During the banquet begins, the dark air until the wind blows. Eating lasts without a problem, and finally, the main dish begins to play.

"Let's start the main event tonight. That's the biggest fish in the history of my fishing!"

Under Count Falcon's signal, the giant fish are in. Worth eating in one of the corners of the big room. The size of it is getting spotted when it's being brought into the room. I can't fit in my room forever. The incredible voices can be heard everywhere.

"How! This is the biggest fish in the history of my life.

"This size... is this a fish?"

"It's not rare to be this big, but it's not rare to be this big..."

"From the appearance and texture of magical powers... it's fish."

Seems like the fish part is stressed out weirdly. Are monsters and fish so different? I was so curious, so I secretly asked Viscount Andrew.

"Sorry, I don't know anything, is there a problem with the monster?"

"It's unique to fishing fans, but in the case of monsters, when they hit the hook, they attack us with magic, so instead of fishing, it's just fighting and beaten with magic. Later, it'll be collected using a Joran, so it can't be called fishing either. A lot. If a fish, you can enjoy the bargain until you catch it. "

So that's it. In other words, monsters are enough if you just see their prey, but monsters are not good to enjoy fishing action.

This area is different for everyone, but in my case, I can't enjoy fishing because there's a chance I'll die when the monster hits me.

"How to pull it!" ask one of the guests.

"Tell me about the assault and defense until you catch him!" ask the other guests.

"Good... the fish pull is amazing. I almost got dragged to the bottom of the lake. If you don't have to pull it, it'll be empty sometimes because it's getting light. Careful..."

Everyone's interest is in the story of Count Falcon and a giant fish. It's like a little boy who listens to a fairy tale hero. It's kind of funny to see her crying while listening to her story.

No trauma to the giant fish that was brought in, but the internal organs were lifted and partly of his body was ripe. After enjoying the giant fish appearance and the story of fish being caught, a giant fish dish was cooked.

I couldn't taste a giant fish before, so I thought of different methods of cooking, but this time it seemed like I chose Meunière. When it was brought in, it smelled nice and smelled the room. Concussions don't use much on appearances, so these giant fish themselves might have a little bit. Well, this time the giant fish is the lead, but not the only one. There's another major role in that shadow. Some people have seen food seem to notice.

"These black grains... are these really pepper?" ask guest 1

"I'm happy to use this much." Rei.

"Gahahaha! There!"

"What is pepper... I've seen him for a while. Pepper is produced far from this country. It can only be bought off the mountain or beyond the sea. Peace like this... Thank you, Fahrudin."

Margrave Lar Sur and the other nobles were impressed. Some even shed tears. Is that amazing? Pepper... As far as I know, it's almost impossible to get it. If you travel for a long time, it's a great possibility that it's damaged due to moisture.

If the transport fee is too low, the price of selling will soar and the buyer won't be able to find it. Besides, a lot of people will buy it at a proper price before it gets here. I understand why it's hard to come by.

If you're impressed with that dish and enjoy it, the next meal will be brought in. Even if they're parents, they're originally soldiers of this country. This amount will never fill the belly. Food and liquor brought in and slow down and the atmosphere became a party, but I saw a meal with Margrave Lar Sur.

"This dish... has scents and discrepancy like pepper, but I don't find pepper. And this is different from the paprika I've been using for years... definitely Rei.

Other nobles pay attention to that word and eat their food. And I'm surprised by that weird. Count Falcon, the host of this banquet, is also surprised by its meaning.

They might want to call the chef, but the chef is still busy cooking in the kitchen. Rei couldn't help it, so decided he'd explain it.

"White pepper is used to cook. The ripe fruit meat is sealed and dried into a powder. Different from black pepper harvested from raw, pepper is fully ripe. Smells light and spicy because it's made of pepper."

"What!"? That's right, Falcon!"

"No, no... I don't know. I don't remember buying anything like that.

"As Count Falcon said, but this time he said he wanted to use pepper to entertain everyone, so I consulted a chef."

Yeah, I managed to plant the pepper I received from the previous chef on his intelligent cell phone app, the farm factory. I have some problems and I wonder if I could come in on time, but I managed to get it.

When I made the white pepper, I managed to finish it with the cooperation of the servants so Count Falcon and Viscount Andrew were not noticed.

"Did you use it? How could you..." ask Count Falcon who's curious.

"I understand the question of Count Falcon, but I can't tell you because this is my own special sales channel." Smile Rei.

I can't say that I made it on this smartphone. Besides, since I still made it, it's gonna be a big problem to have as many peppers as I can.

"All right... well, if you do that, I can't help it. But I don't think there's any other merchant in this country who can use pepper... " Answer Count Falcon anymore.

"I know a very interesting man, Falcon. I thought you were just a fishing fan, but I don't think so. Let's introduce yourself again. I'm Lr Sur Aragones, the ghost of the devil. Thank you for your continuous support."

When the Margrave of Lr Sur said his name, everyone was buzzing. It contains the sound of surprise and admiration. Meanwhile, Viscount Andrew stands to clap.

"Congratulations, Master! I don't think he's the only one!" viscount Andrew said

"Well, uh... thank you. What do you mean?" confused Rei.

Don't look at me like you said. I don't know what that means. First, there's no way to know the unique rule of this world.

"Well, his teacher is a bit of common sense... well, it's a common society, so it's okay if you don't understand...? It's not good to explain here, but this is not a serious place. That's good."

All urgent Andrew Viscount to explain with the sound of fear. I have a bitter smile about Margrave Lar Sur. You must learn the common sense of this world once somewhere.

"The people of this world are called in by force. Not by the country but by the gods of this world. It is made of three demons: King of the devil, the devil Emperor, and the genie. There are only 10 genies in the world. It's a powerful title. No. Lr Sur has been granted the Demon Emperor who is a runner-up. Besides, his powers are the top class among the devil emperor. However, if you were king in a small country, otherwise you'd be able to survive. The fact that Rush-sama calls himself the Devil Emperor is the man he claims to be, so he can hold others one step by step. "Andrew explained

"Haha... Andrew. Thank you for your hard work. But it's a little embarrassing to explain that much." Laughing Larry.

"Sorry, I don't know the guy. Forgive my ignorance. I'd like to introduce you again. I'm Rei Kuraki. I've been a merchant lately. I was young. Thank you for your endless support. " Rei says bend her body.

"Thank you, Rei. If there's trouble in the future, you can count on me. You're my friend's friend. Don't hesitate."

Thanks for this. I'm the weakest man in the world. Money can't help the armed forces. I'm grateful to have such a big support.


The day after the dinner party. I'm heading to Simbal Shop early in the morning with my friends and my luggage. The fishing story last night was so exciting that I was asked to make a variety of buoys.

However, even if I asked, I couldn't attend. So the hunt goes to Simbal Shop. By the way, there's also a calculation that makes big business.

When I got to Simbal Shop, I couldn't see a customer, maybe it wasn't open. However, since there's been an employee, I was guided to the back when I told him there was a business story.