Chapter 61 - New Product

"Well, I feel better like this. The water has a cure like a potion other than the holy water effect." (LR Sur)

"That's right. I'm not too tired, so I'm not sure..." (Rei)

By the way, Count Falcon says that the water in the village is hidden in this fairy lake is also used as holy water, but does it even have a cure effect? When I'm tired from now on, I might swallow a little before sleep. I don't have a plan to get tired.

"Then, isn't it hard to produce this sake in the future?" (LR Sur)

"Yes, with the current amount of water, it's the limit to make the same amount again. However, it's not good to consume all the water for the sake of interest, so I'd like to keep it if possible." (Rei)

Yeah, the water is limited. Especially the culture of grain requires plenty of water, so it can't be done many times. Honestly, if taste changes just by fixing water, I'd like to try another plant.