Chapter 64 - Special Weapons

"Then we've together developed a product that relates to the seeds of gluten rice, so I'll ask someone to apply to the commercial union next time. Sign the approval form, please. Then... I have something to talk about." (LR Sur)

I understand that there are things, so please wait until you're ready to breathe. Oh, the waitress brought me a drink. Let's drink this and calm down.

"Remember, it's okay. It's a very important story. So far, there are many people from different worlds like Rei, and humans come from different worlds in certain cycles. Yeah. Rei's arrival means the cycle has come." (LR Sur)

"... Then... there's other than me...?" (Rei)

"Yes, and the world will always move. I don't know if it's good or bad, but be careful. Even people of the same world can't believe you. Until now. There's always a conflict between different people. Of course, some people can get along with each other, but it's good to be careful." (LR Sur)