Chapter 78 - Time To Go

Yeah, I'll say goodbye to one of the familiars here. As long as you have familiar, you can send products and sales of the store through the smartphone. It had proven when I went to Lake Death, that it was okay to leave familiar.

It was only three days, but it was confirmed that there was no problem because the familiar always contacted me about the development.

The reason to leave familiar is that familiar can be revived during there's church. That's why I usually let my familiar work, and the familiars are in a safe place so they don't die. Even in an emergency, this is enough.

To pay off the debt, ask one of the employees to carry a gold coin. I'd ask Genus to be with him so that it wouldn't be fooled, but all employees are quite reliable. I'm not so worried.

"Well, it takes a little time to make matter to be taken over. I've put in a variety of records and made the material easier to see, but it's handwriting, so I have to repeat it a lot." (Rei)