Chapter 95 - First Battle In Another World Part 2

"Oh, oh! This is bad! Hey! Stop! Stop right now!" (Ryuji)

"What are you doing?" (Rei)

Even if I ask, Ryuji just says stop. But let's try to be patient. It worked. The factor I want to eliminate is the connection between Ryuji and the Magic tank that is in the castle. I think there is no connection except the first time touching it.

Inside the hut, I can see Ryuji becoming a fire puppet. However, Ryuji is seen blinking and moving, proving that he is not dead yet. I then threw another bottle of oil. The fire continued to burn, emitting black smoke. Unexpectedly, the wheat fields around the hut were also burned by large sparks. The condition of the wheat field is very dry, so it is easy to burn even the slightest spark will catch fire.