Chapter 128 - World Tree


The next morning, while I was sleeping comfortably, a visitor appeared which prevented me from sleeping. A man was banging on the door earlier. Just in case, contact Niram and Wish via Familiar.

After a while, I was told via Familiar that Niram had come at the door, so I finally opened the door and there was one of the councilors yesterday. And because of shouting something, Niram tried to calm him down this time.

"Anyway, come to the council now! No, no, follow me." (Board)

"I see. I don't have time for breakfast." (Rei)

I followed him obediently while complaining. This time I was guided to another room instead of the elevator yesterday. Many council members gathered there even though it was still early.

"Please explain what this means." (Board)

"What does this mean when I'm called suddenly?" (Rei)