Chapter 132 - Establishing a New Industry

Anyway, I thought they were going to pray, and while I was hanging out with the orphans, I noticed something strange. It looks around the cross in the chapel. I instinctively confirmed what the strange thing was. Later, a stone statue was displayed there.

And that's not all. Wasn't there even a zero battle? Even a small cross is displayed. Only my Familiar could do such a thing. After the service, I went to talk to Sister. Then the answer was surprising.

Yes, it must have been adorned by a white Familiar. There seems to be such a custom in everything. God resides in what you treat with care… Tsukumogami is a god. also have feelings of gratitude for appreciating all things." (Nanny)

"But… is it alright? Even if I pray for another god…"(Rei)

"Because the real gods can't help us. It's more fun to have various gods. The kids are amused by that too." (Nanny)