Chapter 151 - Mushroom Factory


 It's been about 10 days since the start of the year. Looks like I'll finally have time to finish the accumulated work. The daily workload will be significantly reduced by simplifying the work and leaving it to the familiar.

 "Boss~, there's something Slave wants to see." (Dochi)

 "What's that?" (Rei)

 "Boss. I want you to see this first." (Slave)

 With that said, slaves took out the materials from some blueprints. They are all blueprints for making the same, but the details are written firmly. But I was surprised to see it. Because this blueprint shouldn't be with me.

 "Hey… this is the blueprint for the Magic Carriage. How come it's here…" (Rei)

 "When Mr. Ricardo asked me to send it to King Brandt earlier, I secretly duplicated it. Tea. hehehe!" (Dochi)

 "I've been working hard myself too. Boss wants some tea!" (Slave)

 "No, what's wrong? It's a little funny." (Rei)