Chapter 224 - Tou And Gustavo

As the Familiars and I were pleased with the completion, Tou quietly started sorting through the finished Mithril alloys. It seems that it is divided into three. Somehow the color is slightly different.

"What's shared?" (Rei)

"... the middle one is the lowest quality, the left one is high quality, the right one is the highest quality. Most of the finished products are of the lowest quality. About 40%. There is no 40% high quality... 36% this time. Chi.. . Is my arm not strong anymore? The rest is of the highest quality. Recently, I used less material and my body started shaking, so I made less often. In my prime, I was able to make the highest quality. I have done quite a bit highest quality. I will do the same job again starting tomorrow afternoon." (Tou)