Chapter 230 - The Journey Continues


"Then, let's introduce ourselves again. I'm Rei Kuraki. Nice to meet you." (Rei)

"Thank you, Rei-sama. I've heard a lot from Master. You are a merchant who has been awarded a Count under the Brave Gods, and also you are in the Demon King class. My name is Bar, I'm studying Rokusho style swordsmanship usage style. Kodachi doubles." (Bar)

"Well, it's a bit embarrassing. I'm Chemy, learning Rokusho style swordsmanship and multi-sword style. I used to be an acrobat. I'm quite good at the arts." (Chemi)

"I'm Meliv, learning a dual-use Rokusho style swordsmanship. I was hired for an escort along the way… does this need an escort?" (Meliv)

The other two laughed bitterly as they agreed with what Meliv said. It had been about an hour since I started the new journey, but during that time we had moved at a considerable speed while being protected by the Armored Magic Car.