Chapter 262 - Scientific Weapon


"You have driven out the entire enemy army! Then, we will divide into groups according to plan and protect the castle gates!" (Dochi)

"Right now, I'm on the wall! The boss is in place, so I'll start from now on. Please be patient until it's over! Then the siege machine is too powerful! Can I get rid of it using Kuro's troops. Can I?" (Kuro)

"Okay! Do it right away!" (Dochi)

In response to Kuro's instructions, the Corps of Colors and the Corps of Kuro which consisted of several Familiars started to move. The form is divided into two types. Human complete bipedal form, four-legged animal form. The Beast is a plane built primarily with an emphasis on speed. Humans are versatile types.

The speed-oriented beast form has not been modified for combat so far, and the total number of productions is small. However, in the current situation where quick action was needed, they were very suitable people.