Chapter 3

As Princess Joan took her leave king Atkinson sunk into his bed as fresh thought crept into his mind. He had not been completely honest with his family when they came this morning. Truth is he had received two reports that morning. One was about the intended attack from other kingdoms while the other was a more disturbing piece of new. Infact it had been the first news hew received that morning.

King Atkinson woke up that morning to feel a strange presence in his room. Although his room was still dark when he woke up he could tell someone was perfectly blending with the curtains in his chambers.

"Who is there?" He had asked in a harsh tone.

"Freya is that you? He had asked again as he didn't get an immediate response.

"Yes its me" Freya replied stepping out of shadows. She was clothed in pure black and King Atkinson understood it only meant one thing, bad news. Freya is a younger half sister of king Atkinson. She was his only sibling that was still on talking terms with him. King Atkinson' father had got married to both and vampire and a witch. Freya's mother was the witch, a very powerful one at that. A leader of a the Durachi coven one of the oldest covens in the history of man.

Freya inherited a lot of powers from her mother which made her also one of the powerful witches still alive in King Atkinson time. She was that close to King Atkinson that she could appear and disspear straight into his chamber without taking permissions. He had always regarded her as his best friend while growing up.

"Sister what brings you here at this time of the day. I wonder if it couldn't wait till the day was bright." King Atkinson questioned.

But Freya gave no immediate reply as she moved to take a position close to him on his bed. They were so close that their bodies were making contacts. King Atkinson could notice Freya seem to be in deep thought as her face was clouded with worry.

"What is the problem? Are you having one of those episodes of revelations again?" King Atkinson asked curiously. Freya together with being a witch was also a seer so anytime she was in this mood King Atkinson always feared the worse.

"Brother trouble looms around the corner waiting for an opportunity to strike" Freya spoke as her voice seem to blend with the sound of the wind gently blowing into the room.

"What trouble do you speak of?" King Atkinson questioned impatiently. He had never liked when his sister had a version as she was an expert in beating around your bush.

"A trouble that will start from a member of our family looms over this kingdom. I don't know from what direction it will come but all I will say is to trust no one. The destiny of this kingdom lies on the shoulders of young personal guard of one of your daughters" Freya informed the king.

"But my daughters don't have personal guards" King Atkinson tried to interrupt her.

"I know they don't but later today they will have to I want you to order them to choose among the commanders present in the palace right now and whatever decision they make you must not object to it. Allow them choose freely as the destiny of this kingdom lies in their choices. "

"From where does this evil come sister" King Atkinson asked as he trembled about the prophesy from his sister.

"It comes from within us trust no one and let love lead with those words" Freya was out of his chambers just as she came.

Few minutes after Freya's unannounced visit he was greeted with an announced visit from his spies.

"My lord, the words we speak are true your brother has been moving around looking for kingdoms to join him against you. So far two vampire kingdoms have agreed to help him. "

Those were the two messages that morning that shattered his heart and spoilt his mood that morning. One coming from his sister and the other one about his brother Prince Enoch who had always had eyes for the throne.

He instantly reasoned that this must be the prophesy his sister was talking about since she said it will be from within hence he called for meeting with his immediate family intentionally leaving not telling them the prophesy or telling them his brother is the one bringing trouble with him.

As he sat on his bed pondering on what to do the presence of his trusted friend and adviser was announced.

"With the permission of the King of kings I wish to announce the presence of Lord Barak, the slayer of both men and beasts "

King Atkinson mood immediately lit up when he heard those words. He knew his friend wasn't just a man of war but a man of wisdom that's why he sent for him.

"I salute you the king of kings" Lord Barak hailed bowing deeply to the king.

"Come my friend, we don't have time for pleasantries my mind is troubled. Come and lessen the burden of you king," King Atkinson said as he invited him to join him on his bed. He had decided to handle everything in his room because he didn't want any other ears picking his words.

"Speak my king, I will try as much as possible to ease your troubled mind. "

King Atkinson quickly narrated his encounters that morning from the visit of his sister to the report from the spies. He had never hidden anything from Lord Barak as he trusts him with even his life.

After hearing what the king had to say Lord Barak became instantly worried for his friend.

"My king you will not like what I have to say but I think it is time we make a move of our own." Lord Barak stated picking his words carefully.

"What do you mean?" King Atkinson asked curiously.

"We need to get your daughters married as soon as possible" he stated with a straight face.

"How is that a solution to my problem?" King Atkinson queired