Chapter 5

Princess Joan was still thinking about what her aunt told her when Rose came in to invite her for the selection of personal guards.

My Princess it is time for the selection Rose informed her as she also prepares to accompany her.

Princess Joan immediately started experiencing an usual racing of her heart. She doesn't know why she will be feeling that way just to choose a guard.

She followed Rose sluggishly as they moved in silent to the women's court where the selection will be taking place. Queen Veronica and her daughters were already sitted waiting for her.

In the women's court the highest seat is that of the queen followed by the elderest daughter of the king. Princess Joan walked across to have her sit admist all peering eyes. Most of the females in the palace were at the court that morning as they came to watch the princesses make their choice of personal guard.

Princess Joan thank you for joining us late Queen Veronica mocked her with a frown in her face. She disliked the fact they always had to wait for Princess Joan before doing anything.

Princess Joan simply ignored her comment as she gave a slight bow to her. She immediately took her seat with Rose standing behind her.

Befor coming they had an arrangement in which if Rose wasn't comfortable with the decision she was about to make she should give her a little nudge on the back. All other hand maidens were always jealous of Rose because of the way she was treated by Princess Joan who refused to have any other hand maiden except Rose.

Alright without wasting time I will like the commanders to walk in one at a time without wasting time Queen Veronica announced.

Mother Princess Becky rushed towards her mother to whisper something in her ears. Queen Veronica noded to whatever she was saying and Joan could tell she will be making some adjustments to her announcement.

The commanders will be subjected to a little test by our warrior princess Becky as they walked in.

Princess Becky is regarded as a warrior princess because of all the princesses she was the only one very good with the sword. On several occasions she had requested to go to war with her father and he had always granted her request. She was vast in wars and war plans.

Princess Joan watched in silence ss she wondered what little test Becky had in mind.

I will be testing them with one of my best fighting technic. The double silent attack she announced proudly as the women gave her a thunderous applause. She was loved for her fighting spirit only.

As the first commander walked in she moved in with her vampire speed, sword aiming for his lower abdomen the attack was in a flash but the commander was able to block the her sword but was unable to block a daggar she held in her left arm as she sunk it into his unprotected chest. The attack totally catching him off guard.

She removed her daggar slowly as she cursed inaudibly.The wound on his chest healing instantly There was a loud applause for her display as she was hailed from every corner of the court.

She repeated the same attack for every commander that came in succeeding in every attack against them. Cleaning the blood off her dagger on their clothes

"Where is the last commander? "she asked in frustration and disappointment after the 19th commander.

"He is not here yet my princess" one of the guards at the door responded

"Who dare defiles the king's order?" Queen Veronica thundered when she heard those words but the hall went quiet and no one seem to even know the commander and the other commanders where too ashamed to speak seeing they had just been defeated by a woman.

"Mother we can pick from the commanders here afterall he is just one man" Princess Vanessa spoke for the first time trying to defuse the anger of her mother

"How do I pick from these men who cannot even defend my attack "Becky retorted in frustration sitting down in her chair.

"How do we select when they are not complete? " Queen Veronica questioned as she looked around hoping the last commander comes soon.

"I agree with her mother we can choose from these ones" Becky spoke in mocking tone..

"What do you have to say Princess Joan? " Queen Veronica asked directing the question to her.

"I will say we wait for there last commander, if my sisters can't wait they can go ahead to choose now" Joan responded

Vanessa needed no further invitation as she moved ahead to pick a commander by the name Zod as her personal guard.

He was a tall handsome vampire commander known for his exploits in the battlefield. She had already made research before she chose him. The last commander was totally unknown to her so she didn't care much about his absence.

After picking her personal guard Zod quickly took a position behind her as she went back to her seat.

Becky reluctantly stepped forward to make her choice. She moved around the commanders confused on who she will pick as their speeds didn't match hers. So she decided to go for strenght. She picked the most well built commander amongst them, Commander Caleb.

All eyes turned to Joan now as they wait for her to make her choice.

"Princess Joan we await your decision so we could dismiss these men" Queen Veronica announced.

Rose kept touching her slightly inorder for her to make a decison. Joan was totally confused on what to do. She remembers the words of her aunt Freya. She hasn't felt anything so far on seeing any of the commanders so far so she was sure he wasn't amongst the men before her. Besides her aunt said something about the last being the first. What did she mean by that Joan questioned hersel. Suddenly she made a decision which shocked everbody.

"I dont know who the last commander is, but he is my choice" Joan suddenly announced throwing everyone into total confusion as the consider her choice very strachoice

"My lady the last commander is here" one of the guards at the door suddenly announced as all eyes drifted to the door.