Chapter 37

"Where are you going?" King Atkinson repeated the question to a stunned Princess Joan.

"I need to see Rose she needs me at this moment" Princess Joan repeated trying not ro sound rude to her father.

"You should be with the queen and your sisters in the women's court till it has been certified that the palace and the environs is safe" King Atkinson barked at her he was already getting impatient with her.

Father please I need to see her first then I will go to the court I promise Joan to pleaded seeing that her anger was already getting upset.

"Don't worry I will go with her to make sure she is safe" Princess Freya spoke out to prevent the issue from getting out of hand.

The king reluctantly agreed to the arrangement with the wave of his hand. He didn't want to argue with daughter and Sister in front od everyone else. Besides he needed time to speak to his commanders and lords about the present security breach.