Chapter 42

"If it pleases the King I wish to announce the presence of Lord Barak" the announcer announced the Presence of Lord Barak walked into the main palace to see King Aktison lost in thought.

"My king the king of kings I salute you" Lord Barak hailed the king with a deep bow but got no response. His presence was not even noticed by the king.

King Aktison has been thinking about what Princess Freya told him. He knew it was very possible for someone to be hatching plans to hurt his daughter but he could not place his hand on the person. His experience with his brother Prince Enoch had taught him that when it comes to matters of the throne siblings can easily turn against one another.

"My king I salute you' Lord Barak repeated this time the tone of his voice increased.

It was then King Aktison snapped back to reality. He was startled at first but on seeing Lord Barak he became relaxed.