Chapter 45

"There is no need for that Master Lee Lord Barak is a trusted friend of mine. Whatever you tell me in secret I will still have to confide it in him" King Aktison said waving his demand for privacy aside.

"My King are you sure this is right. What I am about to say affects a member of the royal family" Master Lee stated having double thoughts about saying what he came in front of Lord Barak.

"I have said it before, you have nothing to hid before Lord Barak. Say whatever it is that have brought you to my presence" King Aktison insisted.

"It is about Princess Joan, she fainted some while ago in the infirmary" Master Lee stated trying to drop his news little by little.

"Joan fainted? Why? Where is she now?" King Atkinson asked curiously

"What happened to her?" He asked getting up from his royal chair immediately ready to go to any location he will be given.