Chapter 80

The night was a cold one in the Land of Lazaro. The weather condition was totally different from what Princeess Joan was used to so in no time she was restless looking for a means to generate heat for herself. She looked over to the other wide of the bed Rafinah was sleeping soundly not bordered about the cold like it wasn't having an effect on her.

She looked across the room to notice Lucas in a sitting position close to the door with his sword acrose his lap half-drawn. He also had a thick blanket around him. She couldn't tell If he was asleep or nor because that part of the room was darker than the other sides.

At first sleeping was a bit difficult as they had been expecting visitors from the commander she slapt. She had wanted to wave it aside but Lucas insisted they should prepare for an attack. He even went the extra mile of tying a rope to the window in case rhey will need it to drop down slowly to avoid drawing attention.