Chapter 90

An emergency meeting was quickly called by the king and in no time every Lord and Lady were in the palace with anxiety on their faces. The news had already spread like wildfire that this the palace he werewolves didn't just attack they also took hostages.

"My Lords and ladies I believe we all know why we are here. We are still fresh from an unresolved crisis about Princess Joan with this issue of Werewolves coming up repeatedly. Now they have striked again and they have taken our women as hostages. What should we do" Lord Barak presented him. case under authorization from the king.

"My king, the king of kings I salute you. Without wasting anytime I suggest we give them what they want. And in this case a cergian Luca. According to them he is being held hostage in the palace" Lord Ruphus spoke first as he was the only one in the council whose wife was taken.