Chapter 96

King Akinston regretted calling the name of the Princess But he quickly recovered with another lie.

"I spoke to Leopold about it, he said their pack have no connection with Lucas and it was possible he was acting with the other group of Werewolves" King Akinston lied..

The members of the council had no other choice than to buy the lie from the king as no other person was present in the meeting.

"My king if I may ask is there really any new update on the whereabout of the Princess or her lifeguard? " Lady Gaga asked this time.

"No there have been no information, Lady Kerry is yet to send any report back to us" King Atkinson replied..

"What about our armies is there any news from them?" She asked again not satisfied with the pace of things.

King Atkinson looked over to Commander Zacki to give the council a reply.