Chapter 112

The men stopped to look at Joan as she stood on the spot refusing to move. She didn't have many experiences with her uncle since she was very tender at the time he was chased out of the kingdom. Bur she has heard many stories about him from her Aunty Princess Freya.

It has always been her wish to see her uncle one day although her father has warned her to remove such thought from her mind that's why immediately she saw his name on the tent written bodly she instantly had a feeling it would be her uncle. Coupled with the fact the men said he was someone from their own kingdom. It was just that right word to confirm her suspicion.

"What is the matter the leader asked snapping her from her thoughts.

"Who exactly are we coming to see here she asked looking at them suspiciously.

"It is clearly written on the tent, Prince Enoch the next king of Olehzhaki the leader proudly announced.