chapter 117

Seeing the multiple dead bodies on the ground sent cold shivers through the spine of Joan but on seeing Lucas she was relieved temporarily but seeing the blood in which he was drench in sent mixed feelings through her body. She quickly rushed forward to hug him.

"Lucas" she called out to him softly but he didn't say a word as he just stood there with menacing look on his face and his hand shaking from all the killing he has been doing .

Placing her head on his chest she could feel his heart beat trying to reduce the beating rate probably because of the good effect she was having on him. Mixed feelings racing through her mind as she stood there with him.on one hand she was happy for seeing him again and then she was unhappy with the fact she doesn't know what to do with his presence now.

Lucas took her by the hand and was about half dragging her out of the compound when she stopped him.