chapter 132

Joan could hardly sleep that night as she thought about how she was going to go outside the camp to find the contacts that are outside. It was not like she had gone there before so she knew it would be really difficult to find them and that also means spending more time outside a time which doesn't have luxury to spend. She also pondered about what must have been keeping prince Enoch in the palace that she has not heard from him for that long . Or did Queen Tacha refuse helping him hence he was still looking for a way to persuade her into reasoning with him.

She kept tossing around her bed all night another side worry for her was the fact that Princess Freya has not come back to the room since the moment they came outside. She wondered where she had gone to she had hurriedly have to leave her when she wanted to speak to Philips and Philip that she didn't even have enough time to say any other thing with her before she left .