Chapter 142

"There is no need for us to dwell in the past but I want you to always remember that you have failed me in that regard and I will always hold responsible if anything happens to me daughter King Atkinson said with a menacing look on his face.

"My king I promise you I will find her as soon as possible and I will bring her to you as soon as possible Lady Kerry said still on her knees .

"Rise up from your knees Lady Kerry there is no need to show so much remorse when it is not coming from your heart king Atkinson said urging her to stand up.

She was about to stand up but when the heard those words from the king she went back crashing to her knees again.

"My king I am really sorry ,I never planned for this to happen like this. I thought Madam Maria could be trusted hence I dropped my guard when she was around us Lady Kerry said trying to show the king that it was not her fault