Chapter 152

After speaking With Christopher king Atkinson decided that there would be no need torturing the other werewolves since he already have what he wanted most from them through Christopher . But the king was left very anxious when Christopher mentioned that it was possible that Falz was walking as a spy for someone and he wanted to know all that must have been taken out of his palace in terms of information.

"What makes you think this suppose Fall is a spy ? King Atkinson asked inorder to be sure of whatever he was already thinking

"Whenever he comes back ,he moves around asking questions and gathering information on anytbing that happened in the palace while he was away. He was always writing it down some where that is why i think he must be a spy He said explaining his reasons

King Atkinson thought abouy what he just said . that was a second description that was making it very possible for the king to call him a spy .