Chapter 157

Queen Tacha came in fuming in anger. It was obvious she had been betrayed By Prince Enoch and was it making her mad. He had totally caught her unaware.

"Prince Enoch what is the meaning of this? Why will you ask your men to put me in chains like i am a criminal Tacha almist bringing the tent down with her voice .

"I need you to calm down because i am handing you over to you elder brother he would do whatever he wants to do with you Prince Enoch replied her with cold look on his face . There was no single form of remorse in his face for betraying her and it was a disturbing factor for her . she wondered how he woukd be so comfortable betraying ber like that.

"What did you just say ? Tacha asked as it finslly dawned on her what was about to happen.

"After everything i did for you ,you still turned your back to betray me? Me Tach? Tacha asked as she kept hitting her hand on her chest with tears coming from her eyes almost at the same time.