The missing one

We both remained silent, neither of us really knew what to say next, to my good fortune I was announced that lunch was served.

(Leonora) Sir, would you like to join me for lunch?

(Viscount) would be honored.

Changing the subject helped to dissipate the tension, that partly helped me, but I didn't know that my lies could do so much harm to people who didn't deserve it.

The figure of my father had served its purpose, so I got rid of him, I never thought that an invented character could be so important for some people.

**For them it was not an invention, for them it was real.**

It doesn't matter anymore, I can't change my actions, I'll just take steps to avoid it next time, and move on, I can't let it affect me.

We arrived at the dining room and sat down, my lunch was much less extravagant than the one he offered me in his invitation, but in my opinion mine is much better.

With the food on the table, both of our moods improved and we were able to talk about more casual topics, so lunch continued smoothly.

At some point, little Camille poked her head into the dining room, but when she saw that she had company she popped her head back out and ran away.

(Viscount) Who is Little Leon?

(Leonora) She is Camille, didn't Aisha tell you about her?

(Viscount) Aisha has been avoiding me these days, I think she found out everything before the time.

(Leonora) Aisha is a bit spiteful, but she will get over her anger sooner or later, in this case maybe sooner rather than later.

The viscount laughed for a moment before answering.

(Viscount) Yes, you're right, she's going to be upset for a while.

(Leonora) By the way sir, Aisha told me about something that happened to her at Countess Marinett's party, do you know anything about it?

(Viscount) Yes, that boy has been chasing her ever since.

Aha... A name please.

(Leonora) but what exactly happened?

The viscount rubbed his thick beard and continued.

(Viscount) I don't think I'm the right person to talk about that, you should ask my daughter.

And you're not going to give a name, are you?

(Leonora) Well, but tell me sir, that boy, who is he?

(Viscount) they have not told you?

No, no one has had the detail to inform me.

(Viscount) hmmm, I don't remember his name well, but he was the son of the supreme judge of the kingdom, the eldest daughter of the judge Crein and the middle son of the countess were engaged, and I think that boy accompanied his sister to the party.

(Leonora) Hansel? Hansel Crein.

Shit... Out of thousands of possible candidates because it had to be him exactly.

(Viscount) Yes, Hansel, do you know him, Leon?

(Leonora) I've heard of your family and I know your name by mere grouping, but you really can't tell me anything about what happened at that party?

(Viscount) hmm, well, I can tell you that at that party the engagement of those two young men ended, and my daughter is directly responsible for that.

Mental note; strangle Aisha.

(Leonora) well... So, do you know when you could talk to Aisha?

(Viscount) that's another thing I wanted to talk about, tomorrow, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, that boy will be visiting, and I will have to leave for work matters, I just wanted to tell you that you should not go to disturb young Crein's visit, and even less when his own family is not completely in agreement with committing their son to someone with a previous engagement.

(Leonora) hmm, thank you very much sir, I definitely won't be there tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

(Viscount) well, and clearly I haven't told you anything, besides warning you not to show up, and don't be offended that their engagement was cancelled just two days before the Crein's visit.

(Leonora) Very well, then I promise I won't be there and I won't avoid Aisha's new engagement either.

(Viscount) right, nothing would upset me more than to know that the engagement negotiations failed from the start.

We finished lunch with nothing more relevant to tell, and the viscount said goodbye and retired, for now I will organize what I know about this whole affair.

Hansel Crein is the second son of the supreme judge of the kingdom, Beltran Crein, as well as the third capture target of the game, he plays the role of the tin man.

In his case, his relationship with the character of the wizard of Oz, is somewhat obscure, since he is not related to the tin man for having silver hair or a cold personality, in fact he and his family have red hair and Hansel is a very emotional person, if not for something more literal, while in the story the tin man was looking for a heart to feel things, and it is rather a metaphor for wanting to have feelings, Hansel is looking for a heart, a human heart literally, he wants a human heart.

Well, it is not that he goes from one side to the other killing people and opening their chests to cut out their hearts, but the bad end of his route is to discover that taking advantage of the murders that plagued the kingdom, he had killed someone to cut out his heart.

His is a complicated issue, his older sister suffers from an incurable disease, and in an old book hidden in the depths of his library, there is talk of a miracle cure, whose main ingredient is a human heart that is still warm and has barely stopped beating, he usually ignores that cure because he considers it monstrous, but as the disease progresses, and his sister gradually deteriorates, that cure that seemed crazy, gradually begins to make more sense.

Therefore, cutting out the heart of a poor devil is something that only does how much his desperation reaches its limit, and his time is running out.

Worst of all, the cure didn't work.

That's why a completely crazed Hansel, embracing his sister's corpse, while still having his hands full of the blood of the person he murdered to supposedly save her, became unanimously the worst possible ending in the game.

And now, the one who can do complete madness when he's desperate, and the one who can do complete madness when she's bored, are going to get together, and I'm kind of not looking forward to it.

Even if I think about it, it is rare, not impossible, not improbable, just rare.

The Aisha of the game, and the Aisha that I have known in all my lives, really can't stand Hansel, he because of his dream of replacing his father as a judge, has a great sense of justice, which can be a bit annoying at times, but where it makes some sense, is that Hansel has shown interest in Aisha, but more of a work interest than a romantic one, due to Aisha's ability to detect lies, Hansel is constantly asking her to work in the courtroom as her ability could be vital when judging criminals, and his constant insistence, is where Aisha's hatred for him stems from.

But according to what is known so far, Hansel has proposed on several occasions to Aisha, after the events of a party, where she broke off her older sister's engagement.

I don't understand anything, I'm still missing too many pieces to make sense of it, for now I'll settle for our meeting tomorrow, and hope I've gotten a better picture of the facts.

For now I'm going to go back to my room, or maybe go back to my workshop to continue playing with my ball, I don't know, being a Lion can be boring sometimes.

As I was walking to my bedroom or to my workshop, little Camille cut me off, bent down with her hands and head on the floor and stayed there in that position.

(Leonora) ehh, Camille, what are you doing?

(Camille) I am very sorry Mr. Leon.

I would tell her to get up or she's going to get her dress dirty, but under Irma's supervision, the floors were so shiny you could even eat there.

(Leonora) ehh, what?

(Camille) I regret my actions and I am willing to accept my punishment.

(Leonora) What actions? What punishment? What are you talking about?

(Camille) I have humiliated him with his guest, and I regret that, so I ask for a punishment at the level.

(Leonora) ahh, that, no problem, the viscount was not offended by your presence, but in the future if you want to give me a message and you don't know if I'm busy, it would be best to announce yourself with a servant.

(Camille) Fine, I will.

Despite what Camille had said, he did not move from that position.

(Leonora) ehh, Camille, why are you still like this?

(Camille) I am still waiting for my punishment.

(Leonora) I am not going to punish you, I already told you that you did not cause a problem.

(Camille) no Mr. Leon, I have done something wrong, my ignorance of the rules is no justification, I deserve a punishment for my actions.

(Leonora) ehh, then go to your room to think about what you did.

(Camille) As you order Mr. Leon.

Camille got up and went to her room, that made me remember, now I am a big sister, or a guardian, or whatever I am supposed to be to Camille, and therefore I should do what is best for her, but I have no idea about children, I have very vague memories of babysitting in my original life, but not enough to know if I was doing it right, so I don't know what to do, for now I think I should go talk to her.

As I walked to Camille's room, I searched my mind for mother figures to imitate.

The pitiful woman... No

Bashira... No

Eris... Definitely No

Ehhhh, Irma?..... Can you...

Well, I don't have anyone who can be of use, so I guess I have to improvise, and since I hate improvising.

Arrived at Camille's room and knocked on the door, she indicated that I could come in, so I went in, in the room I found Camille sitting on her bed in a zen potion, and it seemed that she was just a few minutes away from reaching Nirvana.

(Leonora) ehh, Camille what are you doing?

(Camille) you told me to think about what I did and that's what I'm doing, I'm reflecting on all the possible consequences of my actions, and the consequences of the consequences, and the consequences of the consequences of the consequences, and the consequences of the consequences of the consequences, and the consequences of the...

(Leonora) Okay, I get it.

Well, Camille takes literally everything I tell her, good to know, I should take note of what I know about her to give her a good education, maybe I have no reference of what I should do, but I have too many of what I should not have.

(Leonora) the important thing Camille is this, you really didn't do anything wrong, you were just a little curious, and you didn't cause a problem.

(Camille) But Mr. Leon, what if I had done it? What if at that moment you had been talking about serious and secret matters? What if seeing me there, your guest would have doubted your ability to keep secrets? What if, because of my curiosity, I had broken a possible relationship of trust, or if by mistake I had learned something I should not know?

Shit... He's right, I have nothing to reply with.

(Leonora) well, the point is that now you have learned from your mistake, and you were mature enough to accept it, and there were no consequences and there won't be any because you are not going to do it again, are you?

(Camille) Yes, it's true, you're right Mr. Leon, you always know what you're talking about.

Honestly, I have no idea, but I think it's better to pretend I do.

(Leonora) Well, if you have already reflected, then I can withdraw your punishment.

(Camille) I'm only punished for 5 minutes...

(Leonora) yes, and they were more than enough for you to understand the consequences of your actions.

(Camille) ehh, okay, I guess, if you say so.

Yes, being a big sister is a pretty tough job, but I think I can handle it.

(Camille) By the way Mr. Leon, when is Miss Aisha coming to visit? I haven't thanked her for the dresses she bought me.

(Leonora) doubted she would come soon, after all our engagement was cancelled.

(Camille) QUEEEE !!!!!!!!! But how? When? Why? (C)

(Leonora) ehh, calm down, Camille, this...

(Camille) but how am I going to calm down!!!????? I had already accepted that Miss Aisha was the best and that I could not compete with her. (C)

I don't understand this girl anymore, first she faints when she finds out about the engagement, and now she makes a fuss when the engagement is cancelled.

(Leonora) more suitable for what?

(Camille) But how did it happen? What happened? Did she do something?

(Leonora) Well Camille, it's a bit complicated, you see....

I tell Camille as much as I can confirm about the engagement, unfortunately the more the story progressed the more euphoric Camille became.

(Camille) but what audacity!!!, What audacity!!!! How disrespectful! Who can think of asking for the hand of a lady who is already engaged? What was going through his head?

(Leonora) ehhh, you see, Camille, I think that...

(Camille) this can not stay this way, this is a direct offense to your person Mr. Leon, for an offense of this magnitude, you have every right to demand satisfaction, you should challenge him to a duel to recover the honor that he has insulted.

(Leonora) Camille, I'm not going to challenge him to a duel, I'm just going to....

(Camille) Don't worry Mr. Leon, I will go to transmit your order to prepare your sword for the duel.

Camille gets up and hurries out of the room, leaving me alone in the room.

Well, I think I've regained my invisibility powers.