It is night. The gray clouds drizzle sadly on the impassive surf of the coast. A shadow peeks through the glass from inside a luxurious apartment, located on the heights of some renowned building. The shot locates a woman with a sensual figure who wears a transparent black nightgown that barely reveals her fair complexion. Her eyes, deep as the night itself, looks out the window, seeing nowhere in particular, with airs that float between melancholy and loneliness. She distracted, waving a glass of wine in one hand, and, with the other, brushing away her wavy hair from her face. She rambles:
- Betty Schwartz (thinks): Some nights, for no apparent reason, a recurring dream wakes me up. No, it is more than that… it is a memory, specifically, a memory of my youth, of my years as a middle school student. In a room full of lockers, devoid of enough light to see a little more than silhouettes, I can focus a boy standing in front of me, looking at me, in an expression of peculiar astonishment, as if in me, he found that bit of authenticity that is needed to make sense of happiness (...) of course, I do not judge him, I am a charm (...) but, it is weird to have him so present, I mean, to begin with, I don't even remember having anything to do with that guy. I find it overwhelming (...).
Another figure enters the scene. This is a man who obviously easily takes Betty twenty years older than her, yet he is still in good shape, like someone who knows how to grow up in a good way. He, seeing the attitude that Betty presents, announces himself, asking:
- Kris Lemington: Everything in order, beautiful lady?
- Betty Schwartz: Sure. All perfect.
- Kris Lemington (walks up nearing behind to Betty, and hugs her around the waist): Sure? I feel you a little stressed. Something is bothering you, isn't it?
- Betty Schwartz: No. It's nothing.
- Kris Lemington (jokingly): Maybe tomorrow's gala event is what makes you so nervous, right? In front of all those great stars of entertainment, as well as your "humble servant" (?).
- Betty Schwartz (irritated): No.
- Kris Lemington: It can't be! Does that mean (...) I make you nervous ?!
- Betty Schwartz: Don't you have anything better to do?
- Kris Lemington: Ha-ha-ha. Take it easy, I was just playing.
- Betty Schwartz: (...)
- Kris Lemington: Seriously speaking, is something bothering you, darling?
- Betty Schwartz: Not at all. It is just a bit of insomnia. It will pass in a moment. Always happens.
- Kris Lemington: Maybe if you exercise a little bit, the tiredness will help you fall asleep.
- Betty Schwartz: It doesn't seem like the best time to start lifting weights, you know?
- Kris Lemington (pressing closer to Betty's back): Well, actually, I was referring to something more "aerobic".
- Betty Schwartz (physically getting the message, she turns to Kris): That being the case, I suppose I could take your advice.
- Kris Lemington: You should.
The scene ends passionately, in an implicit sequence.
---> To be continue... (/°u°)/