Spirits, Monsters, Warnings, Oh My!

I needed some manner of explanation. I knew, for sure, that I had power. But why? Where does it come from? What should I do with it? I fell over from exhaustion again. Ralf came running to help me up. Nidar continued,

"Ralf called me as soon as your trouble started. I missed the beginning; unfortunately, however, I did see the end! Your power is a marvel! Let me explain a bit. The first demon you destroyed at the wrestling event days ago was of a weaker sort. Still dangerous for sure though. Level 2 we can say. The Level 1's and 2's have to take a person's body, which is uncomfortable for them. The particular demon you destroyed had been in existence for decades and was on the brink of advancing to Level 3. He grew to like taking wrestlers, or boxers, or martial artists; something that is not unusual. The pain endured and inflicted by these men interests the demons greatly.

The demon you just destroyed, however, was a Level 5. It could take the form of a human with MOST people not being able to recognize it. And it had remarkable strengths. Do you follow?" He asked while stopping his speech to be certain I could understand him. Although all this level of business about demons was quite bizarre, I did understand, mostly.

"Yea, I get it. Please, continue."

"What we refer to as 'Seers' can recognize these beasts though, or sometimes hear them, or even just get a sense of them. Hence; the humans who see or hear 'ghosts' or recognize 'possession'. Like the bum who just got eaten. Dangerous is their life! For those who can see the monsters, and can communicate with them have no way to stop them. These are the people who become 'possessed' or disappear, as your homeless friend just did. You, young Druk, are a Hero.

Not only can you see these foul beasts; you have power yourself, obviously great power, and can demolish them! Yet there is more you can do. This is why I have helped you from the beginning. You may wonder exactly who I am? Well, I am the man who can train you properly, as I have trained those before you, to use your powers for the future of humanity! Come, now. With me. Let us have a luncheon together and discuss this."

"I … I … I can't do that. I will though. Come to see you. I'm too weak now. Soon. I need to be alone." The confusion of this all along with my sore head and light feeling was too much to handle. I needed time alone. To think. To sleep. To get away. To recharge. This superhero business was certainly taxing!

"Very well, I understand. Your powers are new. They fatigue you. For now. You will find that it is all just a mental, emotional state, and soon, you will feel stronger all of the time and not have this fatigue any longer. I will give you until tonight, 8:00 PM, sharp! Have Ralph bring you to The Flaming Dragon. The favorite of my restaurants. We can sit in my private suite there and I will tell you everything you need to know. "Farewell!" he said while smiling, a grin that strangely seemed out of place. He then turned, walked back to his limo, climbed inside, and drove away.

As for me? I was shocked. Once my eyes turned back to their normal dark-brown color, nothing seemed to have happened. There was no fire, no burn marks, nobody or clothes; no evidence whatsoever of any kind of struggle existed. The alley was empty. Wait. All except the walls! They were broken and smashed where I flew into them. Thank goodness the businesses that were here at one time have long ago left and they were standing empty and boarded up.

I checked myself and had no injuries. Remarkable! And thinking about it, it finally dawned on me. I never got hurt. Ever in my life! If I did fall down, or crash my bicycle; I never had an injury. I also never had been sick in my life. And I never really thought about any of this before! My family never brought it up at all. Strange for sure.

I had Ralph bring me back to my hotel suite. I quickly showered, checked myself for injuries a last, thorough time, found none, and then crashed. My alarm was set for about 7:00 PM. I had to find out what was happening to me! It was just afternoon, so I had closed all of the blinds and would sleep until dark. Being late winter time in London meant it would be dark early, and by the time I woke, it would be night. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

I suddenly awoke! I was standing in a strange place. All was black around me. No, not black, but dark, midnight blue. A light appeared. Small at first, then growing larger, until it was upon me, around me, inside me! It then shot out of my body after tickling around my organs and I collapsed! A person or human figure started to form from the light. A woman. A beautifully lovely young woman she seemed to be! She was tall, and growing taller, like a giant, yet gentle and serine. Her hair was like golden silk and her eyes shined forth from her sky-blue skin like glowing moons!

"You have done well, Druk, and much more is needed in a limited time. I can tell you what your mind is willing to hear. Drop your fear. Be bold. Be strong. And we can bring peace and justice to many! Keep your mind clear, and do not…"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The alarm woke me abruptly. A dream! Nothing like I've had before! I stoop up and looked about the room. Something was out-of-sorts. I could feel it. Then the lights in the parlor, which I had left on from the daytime, went out. All was pitch black darkness. A red light formed before me and opened to what looked like the inside of a cave. Flames burned inside, emanating outward. I could feel the heat. It didn't affect me. It felt powerful and free! A voice echoed from the cave. A deep, rumbling voice shook the entire hotel!

"So, you are the one who has appeared in my realm and has destroyed two evil demons? I do not like you. Do not stay here long. You belong elsewhere. Go back to your home. You wouldn't like it if I had to appear. I am not a weak fiend like the two you have defeated. Go! Quickly! My next warning will not be so nice!"

The cave disappeared, and the lights came back on.

Suddenly, a scream rose forth from outside the door. A shrill scream! A haunting scream! I felt it again. A threat! And glancing in the mirror, I saw my eyes glowing emerald again! The power. The power and the assurance took my mind, body, and soul. I was ready.

Shooting through the front door, an apparition appeared! A ghost? Nidar had just talked about this. Was it a demon? It was hideous, for sure. Taking the image of an older man who looked to be a hotel consigner; it became still after circling the room a few times and stared at me. Mostly white with a greenish tinge to it; its facial feature became black, looking angry, and it said,

"There has been much gossip about your kind! Able to see us! Look into our world! And destroy us! I don't wish to fight you. I'm a new, 'spirit', so to speak. You would burn me to hell in minutes. I'm just curious. You don't look like you belong here. This isn't your home, is it?

"No, it isn't. I have just discovered these powers. Why do you ask? Why risk yourself when all I can think about is burning your blackened soul so you may return to your own hell!" The words came out, I spoke them, yet it was like something else was driving me. That woman, from earlier? Was that a dream? Would she know what this was? And who was in that cave?

"I see, I see. A fledgling with such power! You question yourself even now, not knowing your true power. I must have it! They tell me I cannot do it, but I must try! I want your body, your power for myself!" it screamed as it flew into me!

Yes, it flew into me. Not through me. If this was a Level 1 trying to move up to Level 3 so quickly, I knew I could defeat him easily. I felt him inside of me. He didn't have control. This was my world! He was like a child lost in a park where everything looked the same and his parents were nowhere to help.

He was trying to leave. Each time he tried to fly out of the park, he ended up where he started. Flying up only brought him down. Flying right or left brought him back to the center. Nope. I wouldn't let him go. Then I appeared. In my own subconsciousness, right there in that park, or forest, no, jungle! I appeared! Yet I wasn't me, exactly. I was a dragon! A Thunder Dragon! The symbol of my home country of Bhutan!

"You dare to invade my body, my mind, and my try to disrupt my soul? You evil little peon! What do you have to say for yourself before the end of all things takes you?" I said with a roar!

"Yes, you may destroy me! And please do! I have found joy in leveling up my power so quickly! I may not have control here but I have been able to enter! A basic seer would have me in the driver's seat! Ha-ha! And you! You are a true hero! One of the dragon men! Very rare is your species! And even rarer to have such high principles and a 'good' mind frame. You must want truth and justice for mankind, eh? Ha-ha-ha! Still young I see. I just wonder why you are here? Why in England? Why not back in your home? No wonder Anweald appeared to warn you! Who have you replaced? No matter! Burn me! Eat me! Destroy me! Now!"

"No!" My reply was full of truth. How could I destroy one so weak compared to me? That isn't the way. There must be a better way. A prison? Yes, a prison! This monster will be locked up until I find out what to do with it.

Suddenly, a dungeon appeared. The demon spirit was in a cell with emerald bars locked against him, the same shade as my eyes, which were impenetrable for him.

"You will remain here! I will always be watching! Soon, you will be dealt with. Destruction may be too much for your crimes. You are a demon, yes, but I can see you have not yet harmed a living soul physically. Just haunted the occasional dreams or in darkness. Stay put! And remain quiet!"

Suddenly, I reopened my eyes and I was standing back in my hotel room. Everything was calm. Peaceful. The evil spirit was locked in my mind. I did have a slight headache, but so far, everything was sound. What time was it? Almost 7:30 PM. Ralf would be waiting downstairs. I had to go. Nidar had to know what I could do about this demon I held. He also may know what it meant of the apparitions I had before. The woman in my dream, and the creature full of angst who warned me. Were they dreams? Real? Something had to give!

I got to the limo with Ralf greeting me and letting me inside. So much to think about! All the events happening so close together! And what did that evil spirit mean by "dragon-men" and "Who you replaced"? I didn't know. I merely took that form because I was in my own mind! Frequently, and ever since I can remember, I have dreamt about being a Thunder Dragon! No more. Or was there?

The car stopped abruptly. Two men, bad men, were screaming at a young couple in the car in front of us. It seems there was a fender-bender. The two brutes were hammering on the couple's car. The driver, a late teenager, was pleading with the angry men. One of the men struck him. Knocked him to the ground. Kicked him in the face! The other man grabbed the girl! He was pulling her out of the car!

I had to stop them! Wait, I thought. I could do something when I saw demons! Not regular people! These thugs weren't from a 'spirit world'. Here, I was just a weak kid from a far-away land!

"What are you waiting for, sir? Go save that couple, sir." Ralf said, "Your powers are not limited to the 'spirit world.' Where the demons are Level 1 and higher, here, in our reality, brigands such as these are Level 0. You can stop this easily. Keep in mind though, there are many people watching. And police will surely be on the way soon. I see many other drivers and passengers calling from their smartphones now. Go. Quickly. Save them!"