Darkness or Light?

What do I choose to do? Which side do I attack? The heroes, the demons, or the humans?

Seems like an easy choice you say? I don't know about that. After what I'd seen and been told by Nidar. And what my mind, while in my Druk the Determined state, told me.

Was Nidar trustworthy?

A super-rich man with a superiority complex?

Sounds like the perfect makings of a villain from the comic books. And I seem as if the perfect hero for a story. A poor boy from a small impoverished country comes to London and meets a super-rich businessman. The boy discovers his power with help from the rich man and saves all from the evil, which turns out to be the rich man's plot all along. Too simple?

Yes, simple. Jump in the pit. Save the beaten back 'good guys' from defeat by the evil demons who outnumber them and out-strength them. Just like the comics. Just like a superhero movie. Then find Nidar and wipe him out!

So why do I resist that urge?

Is it the urge to become stronger? The urge of power? The urge to become superior to all and to rule with an iron fist? Is the start of a superhero tale with a turning evil twist?

After all, if I really aligned with Nidar, the supervillain, and put his intelligence and resources together with my physical power, then we could rule it all!

Not at all. It's much more complicated than that. First of all, my mind would never allow me to become evil. I was raised too well.

Let me tell you what happened.

When I woke up from the fist to my face by one of those annoying giant twin men, I was with Nidar. Laying haphazardly on a sofa with a highly sore nose bandaged, gauze in my nostrils, and two black eyes; I was in pain. Thank goodness I could still see. My head, however, felt like two jackhammers were going non-stop. I wanted to pass out again. No luck.

"You have awoken my mischievous and powerful young apprentice! Nice, extraordinarily nice indeed! You have given me the answers to what I had wondered from the beginning of your capability and meaning. In record time no less! Malix's attacks warded off?! In his own lair even?! Grandiose! Even that old dragon told you that you are, indeed, the one who will one day lead his kind. Spectacular! Now, since I know who you are and what you are capable of, it's time to see you grow! As you know, your power does not work in the 'normal' dimension, we shall call it. No, for here, you are a weak young boy, as you suffer now from one punch delivered by my hardened bodyguard. Against the demons from the 'outer' dimension, we shall call that, you are powerful! Even powerful enough to go to that dimension and confront one of the Dragon Lords. The leader of the Dragon Lords at that! Well, now we shall see if you…"

"Wait! Where is Jacob? My friend, who I just saved? What have you done with him?" I interrupted and asked. I really was in no mood for his long explanations.

"Interesting! Your boldness has grown in the real world as well. Worry not about your friend. You will see him soon. That is what I was getting to anyways. You will be placed in a situation where you must choose. It will not be an easy choice, although it may seem that way at first. If you choose wisely, then we can move on to your next stage in this journey. If you choose wrongly, then some may die, and you, yes, you, may die as well." He said while looking at me directly in the eyes and without a shred of humor or doubt. His voice had changed as well, into a low, almost grumbling.

"Why? I thought you were going to help me? I thought you were on the good side?"

"How small-minded!" he shouted, then continued by changing his tone, "I apologize. I forget your age and where you are from. You see, son, things are not black and white. Good and evil. Right and wrong, as you think. Instead, everything is a mix of all those elements and more. Part of being a 'hero' is knowing what to do at a critical moment even if it seems not completely 'good'. Everything people do each day has consequences in amazing and complex ways. It's how you decide to mend a problem, or complete a mission, or even decide who should die and who should live that makes you a 'hero' or a 'villain', or somewhere in between. We shall see where you fall on this spectrum."

"I will choose the right path, always! I will never be a villain!" I shouted.

"We shall see. I hope you choose wisely." He replied.

I felt a prick in my arm. Those damn twins again! This time, with a syringe. I fell into a slumber.

"Druk! Do you hear me? Druk, you must complete this task given to you. You must see who your enemy is and stop them. Not everything is clear. Act with your heart. I KNOW you will be able to do this." The gorgeous woman said. I saw her full extreme beauty. I listened to her soothing voice. Who was this? I wanted to ask but couldn't. The drug! Those rotten twins! I heard her, I smiled at her, I shed a tear while listening to that magical voice, looking into her captivating eyes, and she disappeared.

I awoke with a start.

"Wh-wh-wh-where am I? What is happening. How could you drug me? What are you?" I called out while sitting up, not even seeing clearly who was around me.

"Look below, peon! And choose! Which friend will you save? Choose! Or we will beat you down even worse!" one of the twins said. I finally heard their voices or at least one of their voice. Not a smart man for sure.

I was in a field. Nothing around. Everything was dark. Just below my feet was a deep pit, the size of a small house. It was lit with fire torches. Inside were three demons. Horribly ugly demons ready to pounce. On the opposite side was Jacob, and someone else. A girl. An Asian girl. She didn't look any older than me. Jacob was starting to teleport around the demons, to take their attention away. Away from the girl, no doubt. Same tricks from him. She put forth her hands and water started swirling about her arms. She shot a cannon of water at the demons, who were knocked back by the blast, yet uninjured. Just annoyed more, screaming with a blood-curtailing howl. This cycle continued to repeat itself. Jacob, teleporting and getting slower. The girl blasting her water cannons, but also growing wearier and slowing down. My eyes started glowing. They weren't in this dimension! I could help!

"Easy choice, eh boy?" the other twin said. "Think again. You can jump down and save your friends, and defeat those demons. Or, you can try to save Nidar! Here and now!"

I turned to see Nidar, tied up and gagged, with one of the twins holding a heavy wooden club in hands, ready to strike! I looked back in the pit, Jacob and the girl had stopped, too fatigued, and huddled together at the edge of the pit with the demons moving in upon them.

What would I do?

To compound things, Nidar, gag loosened, yelled out to me,

"Druk! If you save your friends, these brutes will kill me! If I die, then more demons will be able to run amuck, torturing good souls. If you save me, your friends will perish, yet we will be able to stop more of those demons in the long run, and you can have your vengeance on these twin baboons?"

"Shut up now!" The twin without the club said while backhanding Nidar in the face. He fell unconscious. Lip bleeding. Face immediately bruised.

Even if I wanted to help Nidar, how could I? I couldn't use my power against "real world" villains! Those demons, and Jacob, and the girl are in the "spirit" world right now.

Wait. If Nidar and the twins saw them; they must be in the "spirit" world as well. Meaning my powers would work on them. Hold on? How could they be in the spirit world?

Wait, I thought! I finally understood. Nothing was as clear. Everything was mixed up. Something wasn't right here. With my mind currently in "hero" mode, it suddenly dawned on me what my actions should be.

With my eyes glowing, my skin changed to the rainbow scales, and my fangs showed over my lips. I aimed one hand in the pit, the other at the twin with the club, and let loose!

The twin was incinerated immediately. Vanishing. His brother vanished as well.

The blast in the pit hit Jacob! Directly. Burning him to instant ash!

The demons disappeared. The girl remained, shaken, and sitting by the edge of the pit shivering with fear.

I had chosen my path.

Nidar, now standing, clapped amusingly.