Who Is The Enemy?

One hundred snake-like heads and a massive body more powerful than anything we had ever faced; Ladon was immense.

Yong went after the raving beast, shooting off water cannons, ice spears, and dodging the fireballs flying from the heads that randomly filled the sky and caused a rain of flames for double-digit kilometers all around.

Her attacks angered the mindless beast to no end, nor left any permanent damage.

Scylla wasn't any easier to deal with.

As she used the ocean, the gulf water as a grand shield to all of my fire attacks, and was able to pull up chunks of the seafloor, huge boulders, and throw them at me as I dodged and was finally hit with a smaller and faster one, causing me to lose my balance crash inside the gulf!

No sooner I splashed in inside, Scylla had wrapped her tentacles around me, pushing me further down in an attempt to drown me. Struggling, and breathing fire underwater, I couldn't break her grasp!