
"You will lead us into your homeland of Bhutan, allowing us to enter, and allowing us to see you and your female friend in your true state. When this is complete, we shall decide if you will live or die. Either way, your days mimicking the power of a mighty dragon are now over." Drago said.

I could see him, and no one else as I laid tied to a boulder, in human form, not able to move. I knew I could morph. I knew I could break free easily and I almost followed that impulse. Something stopped me, however. A better mind for thinking. Force would not save me.

I knew my fire wouldn't hurt them. I assumed any attack wouldn't hurt them. They knew of my powers and held the keen resistance in their minds that my dragon form was not real. Anything done to them would result in failure and perhaps I would be killed. This was my predicament.