"Friendly" Battle

"Who do you trust, Druk? Who will stand by you? Who will hold the same ideals as you do? Beware of your mind, and of those who are closest!"

The voice of Ihar. Was it a dream? Was I asleep? Was it his spirit?

"You must realize, Druk, that human behavior, no matter how orderly it may seem in time, is always in chaos. No matter where you are, where go, where you live. Whether a peaceful land or a turbulent land, there will never be perfect order. Far from it."

I couldn't speak back to him, just listen to his words. How though? How did he come to me? Wait, yes, I remember. Bada and I in Cod's chamber. A fight, yes, we were fighting our friends. Jacob. First, it was Jacob and Cahoki. The three stronger opponents stood by with an awful grin. They didn't attack immediately. Cod wanted us to face our closest friends with the odds evened.