BaiYing Been Poisoned?

Evening at the Plum pavilion.

Food has been served for the dinner, BaiYing, planned to eat as much as he could because he was so hungry and haven't eaten anything at all day long just sit still, but, that figure, someone who thinks he's too handsome who's sitting in front of him with sparkling eyes looking at all the food and almost drooled, who else non-other than that pervert Crown Prince LuoXiang.

But, lucky for BaiYing, this afternoon he managed to take one of the spices from the kitchen, this might be chili powder. It would be so fun if that pervert Crown Prince ate this and his lips and face were all red because of it.

"Huh hah that's hot !!"

The naughty picture in BaiYing's head. 

He chuckled slyly while imagining it, that pervert person deserved it, but where did he add it earlier? Since he's in a rush so he forgot which one between the chicken soup and the fish soup did he add it? This is can be a problem, what if he eats the wrong one?

LuoXiang already put the food fill in his mouth until it's bloated, he was still thrusting the fried fish he chopsticks in front of BaiYing's mouth, who was still in deep thought.

"Here, the fish is delicious."

BaiYing looked at the Crown Prince who thrust out the fish pieces with sharp eyes, why was that person acting so romantic in front of him? Was it because there were two servants Yan and Bi there? As well as LuoXiang's servants, with a little annoyance, BaiYing opened his mouth let that person poke him pieces of fish.


"Is it Delicious? Your maids said YingYing didn't eat lunch earlier, why? Did you miss me that much?"

BaiYing almost choked with the food in his mouth.

"Cough cough"

LuoXiang immediately handed him a glass of water and helped him drink while stroking his back gently, two BaiYing's little servants glanced at each other while smiling shyly, the crown prince was so romantic.

BaiYing let go of LuoXiang's hand, his still glancing at the Crown Prince sharply, he clapped the Crown Prince's hand away from him.

"Your Majesty is so thoughtful"

LuoXiang could not help of being amused, BaiYing's cute face with his fierce gaze made him couldn't stop his smiles, he put his hand on his chin to see more clearly, Its awkward situation, and BaiYing face were embarrassed because of LuoXiang's eyes could melt any woman's heart, but, he's not a woman so he won't melt.

BaiYing grabbed the bowl and poured the fish soup into it, he would just ignore the perverted crown prince's gaze, he was so hungry after all so he had no time to think of it.

BaiYing calmly sat back in his chair, enjoying the fish soup which was so delicious that made his stomach feel so comfortable, but he forgot to take the chopsticks that he had not touched since earlier, when he stretched out his hand LuoXiang stretched his hand too, the two met in the middle of the table.

For a moment, BaiYing looked at LuoXiang with his big round eyes, for some reason the Crown Prince's smile looked so pretty with many beautiful flowers and butterflies flying around his face, those beautiful butterflies and flowers circling his face, so beautiful, wait, that? Real flowers and butterflies? Why BaiYing's eyes now trick him?

"Akh" suddenly his stomach hurts unbelievably, his chest is tight, what happened to him? Is it because of the soup? BaiYing's eyes widened, why was he so unlucky? It's not chili powder, it's might be a pepper! He's allergic to pepper, oh no.

LuoXiang caught BaiYing's suddenly limp body, his eyes wide not expecting what was happening in front of him, and saw BaiYing didn't move in his hand now.

Yan and Bi panicked when they saw BaiYing suddenly fainted.

"Your Honour!" Both of them exclaimed.

"It's poison! Yan, hurry up and call a physician!" Exclaimed LuoXiang grabbed BaiYing's limp body and carried him towards the bed.

LuoXiang panicked, even more, he stroked BaiYing's red face which had closed his eyes tightly, he was barely breathing.

"YingYing! YingYing what happened to you?"

There is not much time, LuoXiang did not feel any breath at all on him so he has to think fast or he'll die, after making sure that BaiYing's position was quite comfortable on the bed, LuoXiang lowered his head and opened BaiYing's mouth, took a deep breath and exhaled into BaiYing's mouth, he gave him artificial breath.

For a while, BaiYing still did not react to anything but Luo Xiang wasn't give up, he continued to do so until the young man finally drew his breath with great difficulty.

"Hoh !!"

LuoXiang relieved, smiled caressing the pale face of BaiYing who saw him with his round big eyes and gasping breath.

"Hoh hoh hoh"

LuoXiang buried his head against BaiYing's forehead, he almost lost the young man right in front of his face, it makes him almost lose his sense of it.

"Oh, thank goodness, YingYing, thank God."

BaiYing's lift his weak hand holding LuoXiang's hand with a big palm on his face, who's now also hugging him tightly, didn't know what happened, but he might almost lose his life, his chest hurt so much and he hardly breathes, he holds LuoXiang's palm tightly.

"Hoh hoh Your Majesty"

LuoXiang smiled at BaiYing's face, so he hugged him tightly without hesitation.

"Hoh YingYing"


Physician Wan lowered his head in front of Luo Xiang who had been waiting for the results of his examination on BaiYing anxiously, the young man was lying so weak on his bed and couldn't even raise his head, how could he be so unlucky?

He only wanted to prank the perverted Crown Prince with chili powder which turned out to be a pepper, and he's hit by the results of his bad deeds, after this, it's still lucky that he didn't lose his life, he allergic to pepper was so severe because he once almost died from it, and now maybe he's going to lose his head.

"Red Flower Poison? You mean that very dangerous poison?" LuoXiang clarified, physician Wan nodded, the old fat man who'd been the royal healer for a long time lowered his head deeply.

"That's right Your Highness, according to the results of the examination of the remaining soup indeed the soup contained Red Flower poison, that poison had a paralyzing effects, fast and deadly reaction, luckily Concubine Hua was saved on time, I prescribed an antidote that can be drunk as long as ten days in a row, and until Concubine Hua is getting better, for a while it's better to avoid do anything exhausted. "

BaiYing took a deep breath, this is ridiculous, it's not any poison, it's just ordinary pepper and it happens that he is so allergic to Pepper, what was that healer just diagnosed? What medicine? Or this could be one of the crown prince's tricks just to keep him here, he's suspicious that the pervert might have poisoned him on purpose.

Soon physician Wan begged to retreat, while the maid escorted him out Luo Xiang still standing and discussing with BeiYau.

"You check on all the people around the kitchen when the soup and food for the concubine is made, also find out who has been in and out of Plum's pavilion, I can't believe that person is so free to go in and out and put poison without anyone notice"

BeiYau lowered his head.

"Yes, Your Majesty will check on it! Eh Your Majesty, with this, is the attackers targeting Concubine Hua, or Your Majesty?"

LuoXiang shook his head, he was also deep in thought.

"I don't know, this incident is quite strange, if they want to attack me it should not be at here as there many other places I go often, but if they want to attack concubine Hua, it's also a bit strange, concubine Hua has only been in the palace for a few days, she is just an ordinary little concubine"

BaiYing didn't hear anything that the Crown Prince and his bodyguards were talking about, but he felt he was fine, it just a normal allergy reaction and he think he didn't need all the medicine that the fake physician just prescribed to him.



BaiYing stretched out his hand to ask Yan to help him sit down, his whole body ached until his smallest veins are hurt, this was more painful than the last time he had that reaction before Yan got close someone had already held his hand, LuoXiang who was approaching fast.

"Concubine Hua, don't move much, you didn't hear what the physician said?."

BaiYing doesn't care, that person is just a fake physician, there is no Red Flower poison or whatever, it's just a pepper!

When Luo Xiang was already holding his limp boneless body, BaiYing coughed so hard, his eyes widened seeing what he vomited, it's blood!

"Uhuk uhuk"


BaiYing thought this might be just a coincidence, but his body was so limp that he once again fall unconsciously into Luo Xiang's hands.


"Your Honour!" Exclaimed Yan and Bi together.
