Just Sit Here With Me

BaiYing sat and with his head on his hands, looked bored. The morning class. In the dance class, he and the other concubines were required to learn how to dance by the Queen for the show that would be held a few days from now, at the Emperor's annual birthday.

This is a bad idea, since when can he dance? Move the legs, hand, body, and waist, this is so annoying. His sister can dance, but he's not her.

Mu'er approached BaiYing who was sitting alone.

"Sister Yen, what are you thinking? Why haven't you changed your clothes yet?" Asked the little girl, BaiYing turned his head. Changed clothes? What for? His eyes widened wide seeing Mu'er's changed already, this is impossible, did he have to wear that? The thin layer of clothes which showed the whole shoulders and back, especially the stomach, is too much for him.

"C-can we not wear that? It is so thin and see-through, how if we catch a cold?" The question made Mu'er chuckle.

"Hehehe, sister is cute, we won't catch a cold. This is a special outfit for this type of dance, it's a bit see-through, but ChaiMa said, state guests who come now are used to see this kind of dancing in their home countries. So this time His Highness want to show the respect by showing dances like this. Come on, I'll help you get dresses"

BaiYing raised his hand, he got up from his seat.

"No, sister, no need to bother you, I can do it myself."

Not long after that, the dance class started. Like it or not, BaiYing had to wear thin sexy clothes that revealed his flat stomach, his shoulders, and his long legs. The kid did have flawless skin so it was fine for him to show it off, luckily the chest part was a bit closed so he didn't have to worry that everyone would find out about his fake chest. This is so tense, how can he get involved deeper into all this, how about his plan to get out? Couldn't he run away anymore? Then what about his head? How long is he going to pretend? Owh this is worrying.

While shaking his stiff waist following the trainer in front of them, BaiYing trying to put on a calm face.

"Hehe" smiled back at Lan'er who turned to him.


Shortly thereafter, at the LuiHe Lake.

BaiYing sat behind the rock which became his newest favourite spot when he was upset, luckily the Second Prince had already gone back to his palace, so he could be there without anyone disturbing him, even BaiYing had to run away from his two maids so he could sit there daydreaming.

BaiYing sat behind a big boulder looking far ahead. The afternoon sky was so beautiful, it was not as hot as the daytime, leaving only the warmth on his skin.

The sound of ducks roaming with its group could be heard from a distance, soon, it would pass in front of him. BaiYing tightened his clothes as the wind started to get colder. Looks like he needs to take the coat with him next time if he wants to stay there any longer.

The atmosphere was incredibly calm. There was no sound of ChaiMa's loud voice, no chatter from the concubines who always kept talking, no worried voices of his two maids, and most importantly, there was no presence of the perverted Crown Prince who always made him feel irritated. It was the peaceful time that he had longed for.

BaiYing took a deep breath.

Will he be in that palace forever?

Then what about his family? Why didn't his father and stepmother give him any news when he could get out of there? Did they leave him there alone? Don't they care if he might lose his head?

BaiYing sat with his knees folded up into his head, taking another heavy breath, maybe he will die silly there.


BaiYing curled up his body as the air grew colder. Suddenly, someone put a warm coat on his back.

"The air is so cold and you're not in a perfect condition, do you want to pass out again?" LuoXiang's voice. BaiYing raised his head and looked up to see the Crown Prince who was already standing beside him carrying a coat to cover his back. The tall man slowly sat beside him, even when BaiYing was still stunned, LuoXiang had already grabbed his palms and rubbed them.

"Look at your hands, it's so cold."

LuoXiang raised BaiYing's small palms, blew heat in, and rubbed it again.

"You looks tired, we better go back to the room and rest, I've asked the palace chef to cook your favorite chicken soup, and when we get back the soup might be ready."

BaiYing found it impossible to withdraw his hand from the Crown Prince's grip. The dim evening light made the prince's face appear strikingly attractive. Sometimes BaiYing wondered which version of the prince he could trust: this gentle face or the one that had roughly pushed him onto the bed and ripped off his clothes. He did not expect much, but simply seeing the prince's face at this moment made him feel at ease. It was a strange feeling indeed.

"Your Majesty, how do you know I'm here?" BaiYing asked.

LuoXiang rolled his eyes, thinking about how he should answer. Of course, he knew BaiYing there, because his bodyguard keeps followed him to secretly watch his movements, wherever or whatever he did. So even though he was always busy with his work, LuoXiang never missed the news about BaiYing. He losed his guard and let the Second Prince teased BaiYing behind his back.

"Umm, I happens to just passing by, what is on your mind now? Why are you sitting here alone?"

BaiYing thought.

"Em, nothing, I'm just a little bored."

LuoXiang smiled, he raised his hand to stroke BaiYing's front hair which was swept away by the wind. His move makes the young man widened his eyes unconsciously, a little surprise.

"Let's go back to the room, I will help you knit. You haven't collected it because you haven't finished it, right? Queen Mother said, you are so slow, but she thinks because you were not feeling well, she quite understands"

BaiYing stopped and saw Luo Xiang's face which is so close to him now. The pair of large round eyes that blinked many times, LuoXiang gulped, not knowing what was in BaiYing's head at this moment.

"Let's stay here longer, Your Highness"

BaiYing put his head gently on Luo Xiang's shoulders, just leaning his head on with a distant gaze in front of him.

LuoXiang stuttered, he couldn't move. Afraid that BaiYing would change his mind and raise his head, so he could only remain like a statue.

"Eh YingYing"

He raised his hand and gently stroked the kid's head.
