Meet the Emperor

On the other hand, BaiYing seems to enjoy his dance. He did not expect that he, who was so nervous and could not move before would enjoy this. He liked the movements that made his body bend to his heart's content. He might be so stiff but this was fun, he looked up and accidentally blinked his eyes at the Emperor who was sitting not far in front of him. That man was laughing with endless satisfaction, this kind of show makes his day perfect.

"Hahaha this is so good, they are all experts on this"

BaiYing glanced at Luo Xiang, who sat with a face that looked so upset as if he holding back his desire to go to defecate. His eyebrows rose sharply like a sword that was ready to attack his enemy. What's wrong with him? Why can't he just enjoy the show casually, what a freak.

The Crown Prince's eyes glanced at him, his eyebrow up and down as if giving him a code. BaiYing didn't understand the meaning, but didn't care, he'll focus on his dance now.

Behind the wall, BaiYing's maids clenched their fists in front of their chests in awe at seeing how beautiful concubine Hua was.

"Oh Her Majesty is so beautiful"

Not long after.

The show finally ended. Next will be lunch for everyone.

The emperor looks busy accepting guests, most of whom are from the royal families of other countries. Meanwhile, on the other side, the Crown Prince is waiting behind the wall near the dressing room where BaiYing should have appeared earlier, he almost bursts out from holding back his annoyance. BeiYau can only stand not far from the Crown Prince who sometimes needs to move to let the others pass by.

"Yeah, please"

The Crown Prince straightened his head when someone he was waiting for finally showed up.

"This brat" he hurriedly grabbed BaiYing's hand. He already changed his clothes as before.

"Brat, I told you not to dance, why do you have to be so disobedient?" LuoXiang was exasperated and pinched BaiYing's nose, BaiYing whimpered.

"Aww, it hurts Your Highness" The man looks so mad.

Luo Xiang pulled BaiYing towards the near wall where he could scold him freely.

"And what does it mean by winking to the Emperor and the other guests, you want to show off? Do you think you are so attractive in those skimpy clothes that you can flirt here and there?"

BaiYing puffed his mouth. He didn't know what had gotten him, as if someone had stolen his food which was already in his mouth. He looked up to see the Crown Prince's face which turned red from his anger. The man is being too much.

When BaiYing tried to let go of Luo Xiang who kept grabbing his hand, the Emperor and Queen approached. All lowered their bodies to greet them.

"Greetings, Your Majesty the Emperor," greeted BeiYau who was standing behind the Crown Prince. Busy with what they did.

The Emperor chuckled as he stroked his chin looking at Luo Xiang who was still holding tight to the girl behind him. The attractive girl with a gentle and very beautiful face. Bai Ying lowered his knee to greet the Emperor.

"Greetings, Your Majesty"

"Oh this, this young girl, isn't it..?" The Emperor recognized the look in BaiYing's eyes as he looked at him, he chuckled even more as he stroked his chin.

"Hehehe what a beautiful kid"

"Your Majesty, this is HuaBaiYen, the daughter of merchant HuaLie, she is Xiang'er's fourth concubine," said the Queen.

BaiYing was about to get closer and lower his knees but LuoXiang's hand did not let him go. The Crown Prince holding him so tight and won't let the kid go.

The Emperor stroked his chin and chuckled, his cheeks rounded like the well-cooked bun. 

"Xiang'er, all your concubines are so beautiful. It looks like soon this old man will have a grandchild, what was your name pretty?"

BaiYing lowered his head in front of the Emperor.

"Servant HuaBaiYen Your Majesty"

LuoXiang pulled his lips. His father looked at BaiYing with familiar eyes, like he was observing BaiYing from top to bottom. LuoXiang unconsciously pulls BaiYing hid behind him.

"Excuse us, Father. YingYing isn't feeling well, so he may retire to his room."

The emperor chuckled again, from his son's attitude the emperor understood how possessive of hers he was. He didn't even let him see the girl longer.

"Xiang'er then, you can take her to have a rest in one of the rooms. we still have lunch and dinner later, it's too bad if this beautiful lady did not come to enjoy it"

As Baiying eagerly awaited the part of the day when he would enjoy delicious meals, Luo Xiang tightly held his hand and pushed him behind his large frame, obstructing his view of the Emperor standing in front of them. It seemed as though Luo Xiang was unwilling to let Baiying go.

"Eh t that"

LuoXiang lowered his head in front of the Emperor.

"Please pardon me, Father, but the Physician said, YingYing needs a lot of rest. I let her go back to her room at my palace. Later when she was well enough, I would take her to meet Father by myself. That's if you didn't mind"

LuoPai stroked his beard again, his eyebrow twitching from restraining his anger which forced him to keep putting that wide smile on his face. That stubborn kid. He knows how strong his son's head is so it is useless to argue with him. He might not want to see him again if he forced him with harsh words. That couldn't be allowed. But the kid deliberately concealed such a beautiful gem he has and is afraid someone may take it from him, though, he does think about that intention. 

The Emperor glanced at His queen. As if he was a little bit disappointed, why couldn't such a beautiful girl be given to him to be his concubine instead of his easy-bored son? But LuoPai also felt a little bit strange, he had never seen this beauty before. He should have known it, at the last time when HuaLie and his family visited the palace that person also hid her on purpose. He's going to make him accountable next time he sees that old man.

LuoPai finally nodded. He had no choice.

LuoXiang grabbed BaiYing's hand and pulled him.

"Come on, my dear"

The kid stuttered and only followed him along.

"Eh y-yeah, Your Majesty"

BaiYing understands what the Crown Prince means, he has heard about Emperor LuoPai, who's known to be the most perverted king among others. Just look at his concubines, some concubines who may be younger than his kids. That old man does enjoy his life to the fullest of his heart indefinitely.
