Plum Pavilion

Second Prince LuoYan was already there. Sitting with a very wide smile looking at BaiYing who saw him with his blinked big eyes. Those pretty big eyes with light brown color as clear as water in the ocean and sparkling like stars above the night sky. Very attractive eyes, drew LuoYan to get closer to him.

Inevitably BaiYing opened his mouth to accept the shrimp because the Second Prince's hand had been too long in front of him.

"Beautiful concubine Hua, why are you sitting here alone, how are you? You look so tired. The Crown Prince should have taken you back to your room first to rest and he can come here by himself. But, I'm so happy to see this beautiful face here, so tonight it's not too boring. "

BaiYing chewed the big prawns with his mouth so bloated, his mouth was still chewing, leaving a little crumb on the tip of his lips.

LuoYan raised his hand to wipe the crumbs off BaiYing's sweet lips which stunned the young man and stopped.

"Eh Your Majesty"

"Heh, I'm so sorry about what happened to your family. But, regardless of what happened, I am very relieved that concubine Hua did not become a victim in the attack"

BaiYing lowered his head. He still did not understand what happened. But from what his Brother YiFang said that day, it could be that the murder of the entire family happened because of him. Was he the one who caused all the residents of the Hua family, those twenty-two lose their lives? Could it be because of him? If that were the case, what should be done to make up for all his mistakes? And what he did do wrong to get the killers to finish off his family?

LuoYan was about to raise his hand to straighten BaiYing's hair covering his cheeks, until someone held his hand.

"Brother, What are you doing here? " LuoXiang's voice. BaiYing raised his face, to find the Crown Prince was already in front of him, holding the Second Prince's hand.

LuoYan straightened his seat. He pulled his lips. Why did his younger brother always bother him at the most inopportune moments? That should be what LuoXiang had in mind when he saw his brother with his sharp eyes. Why was that man always trying to disturb his YingYing? He is so shameless.

LuoXiang didn't say much, after releasing his grip on the Second Prince's hand, he stretched out his hand for BaiYing.

"Come, my dear, let's go back to our room to rest."

BaiYing glanced at the Second Prince, then took Luo Xiang's hand and stood up.

"Was it too long?" LuoXiang's hand gently smoothed BaiYing's front hair while holding his hand tightly towards the door, BaiYing shook his head.

"Not really, but Your Majesty, you haven't had a chance to eat. Don't you hungry?" BaiYing asked, LuoXiang smiled. He touches his stomach.

"I'm so hungry. Let's go back to the room and eat, your maids must have cooked something delicious after knowing you'll be back today."

LuoYan sighed, looking at LuoXiang who was hugging BaiYing towards the door, followed by his bodyguards.

The Emperor approached his second son. He put his two hands behind his waist and took a deep breath looking at the Crown Prince walking out of the hall.

"Heh, Xiang'er's concubine now is very interesting. Don't you think so?" asked the Emperor, LuoYan glancing at his father.

"Well, it is very interesting, but she is too young for you, father. Don't even think about it"

The emperor chuckled at his second son's words. Both turned toward the side door.

"Even if I think like that, what can we do? Didn't you see that Xiang'er was so possessive about his concubine? "

LuoYan chuckled. He widened his fan.

"Hemmh, it's weird. That little brother has never been this possessive before. Looks like it is very unlikely and impossible he would let this one go"

The two laughed loudly until their voices echoed in the Dragon Hall which was starting to empty. Apart from the Emperor's special guards and the Second Prince who were still in there.



Plum Pavilion.

BaiYing' young maids were moved to greet their concubine in the pavilion. Both were crying.

"Your Majesty, thank Goodness Your Majesty is back, we miss you so much" Yan's voice trembled because of her sobs. Bi nodded.

Both stumbled and difficult to talk, BaiYing smiled seeing the two who lowered their bodies to their knees before he helped the two up.

"Hey, you guys, I've come home, look at both of you. You look so ugly crying like this"

Yan and Bi wiped their tears and raised their heads to see BaiYing. His eyes still looked a little swollen from crying, realizing that the two maids glanced at each other and could not hold back their tears again from falling.

"Your Highness, we're so sorry for your loss"

BaiYing tried to not shed tears anymore. He had been crying so much that his eyes still hurt and swollen. The Crown Prince's hand tapped his shoulder when he saw his sad face again.


BaiYing turned his head, smiled at the Crown Prince, and nodded. He had promised to try to hold back his tears because he would try to be strong. At least until the swelling in his eyes disappeared.

The Crown Prince pulled BaiYing's body slowly and embraced him, BaiYing looked very small in the Crown Prince's big arms. He could rest his head on the Crown Prince's very warm wide, and firm chest. The hug that had given him strength for the last few days, at least now, he would enjoy it for a moment.

"Your Honour"


Night comes.

LuoXiang just lay on BaiYing's bed hugging him until the young man fell asleep. BaiYing's innocent face with his head now resting on his shoulders.

LuoXiang raised his hand to caress BaiYing's forehead which was covered with his messy hair. He touched BaiYing's tightly closed eyelids, his nose, his lips, and his smooth face without the slightest stain on the surface. YingYing is indeed so perfect. Even if he had not known YingYing from a young age he would have fallen in love just by seeing him now. BaiYing's gentle figure, and cute face. It wasn't so strange that YiFang obsessed with him to death. Like his pretty face, the tenderness and kindness of HuaBaiYing stir his heart.
