Barbeque Party

Shortly thereafter, in the backyard of the pavilion in front of the kitchen.

The bonfire had been shaped in such a way, that BaiYing twisted a few bamboo sticks which were cut very small, and poked a lot of foodstuffs and grill in on the coals. He made a lot of sticks of skewers with chunks of meat, tomatoes, carrots, and even pumpkin. It smells pretty nice because he mixes the seasonings himself. Just let everybody there know this is one of BaiYing's talents, making such a delicious barbeque party.

BaiYing servants, including Yan and Bi who were standing closest to them eagerly, wanted to pick up the cooked skewers. While all of the servants gathered on the other side of the courtyard. Of course, it was impossible to sit together enjoying a meal, with the Crown Prince and his concubines there.

"It's done, ouch."

BaiYing groaned as he touched the very hot meat, LuoXiang grabbed his finger.

"Be Careful, you know it's hot"

BaiYing just laughed so wide that his eyes disappeared from it. He had never looked that happy since the incident that happened to his family. And now saw him laughing so cute, making the Crown Prince could not hold his laughter, he pinched BaiYing nose.

"Err this kid"


It didn't take long for the meal to end.

The servants were seen cleaning the courtyard while BaiYing and LuoXiang sat in front of the terrace facing the sky. Just sitting side by side looking far ahead just to soothe their already full stomachs.

"Hoh I'm so full," said BaiYing touching his enlarged stomach. The Crown Prince also eats quite a lot, he rarely enjoys his meals even though the food in the palace is famous for its high level of delicacy because of the excellent chefs. But this time, he was full to his heart.

LuoXiang grabbed BaiYing's hand which he put behind his waist, grasping it while drawing as much of the night air as possible.

"Heh, it turns out that this naughty YingYing can also make delicious food, are you tired?" LuoXiang asked while smoothing BaiYing's front hair.

BaiYing turned his head, he shook with a broad smile, a smile that made Luo Xiang's heart flutter warm.

"No, this was nice, Your Majesty, we should do it more often."

LuoXiang nodded.

"Um, of course, we will do it often, are you cold now?" LuoXiang took BaiYing's cold hand and rubbed it.

"The air is getting cold, let's go into the room, how about the wound on your back? Does it still hurt?'' Asked the Crown Prince as he stood up and stretched out his hand to BaiYing. BaiYing grabbed the hand and stood. The two walked together towards the house followed by BaiYing's maids including Yan and Bi.

"Em it's getting better. I think the scar will be gone soon. The medicine from Physician Wan is indeed so effective. Oh yeah, Your Majesty, do you know about Sister Mu'er's family? They have a very potent medicine that can cure her in a short time. I wonder if I could ask her about the medicine so next time I won't need to drink that very bitter medicine"

LuoXiang took a leisurely walk with BaiYing's tightly held hand, he frowned thoughtfully.

"Em, I don't know it so well. But Mother said Concubine Ye's core family came from outside the city near the border of the country of Kili. Maybe they know a great healer there so they can get any potent medicine. I just didn't expect that even Physician Wan was nothing compared to her family. Hemm, maybe I should reduce his salary. "

BaiYing chuckled at the Crown Prince's cynical words.

"Hehe Your Highness, no matter what, Physician Wan indeed has done a very good job. He has a lot of quality medicine for skin, just look at my hand, the scar is almost gone."

LuoXiang raised BaiYing's hand and kissed it.

"Ummh yeah, this hand, it would be a pity if this smooth hand had a scar," he put BaiYing's hand around his arm.

"Heh, tomorrow I still have a meeting at the main palace. Reportedly, the new Advisor will reveal his work plan starting tomorrow. Of course, that senile Emperor will pull me there all day. Heh, it would be so boring, won't see YingYing all day long, oh how if I missed you so much?"

BaiYing smiled. The Crown Prince stopped, pulled BaiYing closer in front of him, and stroked BaiYing cheek gently. He hooked his hair that fell behind his ears and held BaiYing's cheeks gently with his two broad hands. That small cute face with those big eyes. LuoXiang smiled grimly, he squeezed BaiYing's cheeks and laughed at his cute face.

"My YingYing is so cute."

BaiYing's cute face frowned deeply with his lips narrowed which made it difficult to speak. Yan and Bi laughed silently, saw how the Crown Prince was so exasperated because of his concubine.

"Nyo aihnes it urt" his language was difficult to understand but LuoXiang knew the meaning, he was asking him to let his hand go. The naughty Crown Prince couldn't stop laughing at BaiYing's cute face.

"Hahahaha, YingYing is adorable, how can I not miss you if you are so cute like this?"

YingYing stared intently at Luo Xiang, rubbing his cheek after being pinched by the Crown Prince, while Luo Xiang couldn't stop his laughter.


"Your Majesty, please stop laughing, is my face like a clown?"

The Crown Prince's laughter was so loud that the sound even reached the main house. BaiYing was still annoyed by his teasing and was about to turn towards his room, but the Crown Prince pulled his hand.

"Okay Okay, I'm sorry, what can I do, my YingYing is so cute"

"Yeah, but don't laugh too much"

Both entered the room. Yan and Bi knew at that time they didn't want anyone to disturb them inside, so the servants could only follow them to the door and shut it tight from the outside.

"How about, if tomorrow YingYing comes with me to the Main Palace? Father must be happy to see you there"

BaiYing frowned.

"What can I do there? It must be just as boring, tomorrow I have a painting class with other concubines. And because sister Mu'er is getting better, I can't wait to join the class."

LuoXiang helped BaiYing remove the outer layer of his clothes.

"Em, how are Concubine Lui and Concubine Fu treating you? Were they still cold towards you? They are too much"

BaiYing turned his body to LuoXiang.

"Your Majesty should also understand how they feel, they envy me because Your Majesty only spends your time with me every day. They don't even know what you are doing here, why doesn't His Majesty visit them?"

LuoXiang helped BaiYing remove the accessories in his hair, one by one gently. Then grabbed the wooden comb and helped him comb it. The long black hair, thick and silky shiny, the soft fragrance hair made LuoXiang's tiredness that had been waning gone.

"Hemh, they are Mother's preference, let her accompany them, why do I care? I have YingYing here, so don't need to go there again"

BaiYing turned his head to stop the Crown Prince's hand and pulled him to sit beside him.

"Your Majesty, so, Your Majesty also didn't know, at the time the Queen intended to bring Sister BaiYen here?" BaiYing asked.

LuoXiang frowned in thought, and shook his head.
