The Secret Was

"Eh my YingYing, you've been waiting for me?"

BaiYing tugged at the Crown Prince's arm.

"Eh, Your Majesty, eh" he stuttered, biting his nails nervously,

LuoXiang grabbed BaiYing's shoulders which looked stuttering as he didn't know what to say. The Crown Prince glanced at his two maids who then approached.

"Forgive us, Your Majesty, this afternoon His Majesty, concubine Hua received news about the attack on Hua's house. Reportedly, your Majesty was seriously injured, so they asked concubine Hua to go there immediately."

Hearing that LuoXiang widened his eyes.

"What? What injured? Who gave the news? "

Yan and Bi lowered their heads.

"The little guard from Your Majesty's Palace, when I tried to chase him to ask more clearly was nowhere to be seen. His Majesty, concubine Hua was worried since this afternoon and couldn't do anything. He wanted to go there but he thought it might be just a trap, but, His Majesty can't stop thinking about it."

The Crown Prince looked at BaiYing who lowered his head and seemed to hold back his tears. He was so worried and his body was shaking. The Crown Prince pulled and hugged him.

"Oh YingYing, I'm fine, heh thank God you're still thinking clearly. They might want to attack you again when you get there"

BaiYing clenched his hands.

"Y-Your Majesty, do, do they still want my life? Why do they keep chasing me? "

The Crown Prince shook his head, he stroked BaiYing's hair gently.

"Heh, I don't know YingYing, that's what we'll have to find out, em" he let go of his hug and stroked BaiYing's cheek, He wiped the tears from his smooth cheeks and saw a pair of teary eyes. LuoXiang grasps BaiYing's cold hands.

"Um, we will find out, don't worry about it"

BaiYing nodded, he kept holding the Crown Prince's clothes tightly.

"And right now, there is someone who wants to see you," said LuoXiang.

BaiYing frowned, he still had a question until LuoXiang shifted his body and showed someone who was now standing at his door.

BaiYing's face turned excited to see a figure he had not seen for a long time.

"Brother TangTang!"

YoTang immediately entered and approached BaiYing, with a face that still could not get rid of his shock at the news that the Hua family had all died. He then approached.

"Young master Ying, you are still alive. Oh, Thank God" YoTang was so relieved that he couldn't hold back his tears, he grabbed BaiYing's two hands.

"Brother TangTang, how are you, long time no see"

The fat young man looks so happy his cheek turns red like a bun.

"Yeah, Young Master, long time no see"

BaiYing who was stressed turn to be very happy in a second.

"Why are you here? How's Grandpa Ou?"

Hearing that, the big young man burst into tears.

"Teacher" he shook his head. He takes a deep breath before his tears fall again.

"I don't know how the teacher's fate is now"

BaiYing glanced at the Crown Prince, who must have been very possessive. LuoXiang didn't like anyone holding BaiYing's hand other than himself, so he immediately pulled BaiYing's hand away from the young man's grip and grasped it.

YoTang's crying voice can still be heard clearly.

"Poor Master Hua, Lady Hua, Uncle Bao, everyone, Young Miss BaiYen,"


Black shadows shot from the top of the tree and descended in front of the pavilion courtyard. It looks like one of the pavilions in the palace, either the Imperial Palace or the Crown Prince. Several of the men dressed in completely black flew down and knelt in front of a stocky figure who was already standing in front of the pavilion terrace feeding some fish in the small pond below the terrace.

"Greetings, Master! That person has arrived at the Crown Prince's palace," reported one of the frontmen, a chubby figure whose face was less clear under the oil lamp stopped his hand. He turned to look at the man dressed in black, approximately five people.

"You guys just watch what that young man does, don't act before being ordered" The figure's voice was heavy, and the men in black nodded all at once.

"Yes, Master!"

Soon the men dressed in black dismissed and darted away, leaving a figure still standing in front of the pond continuing to spread the pellets into the water. He was stocky, and red clothes with a gold combination. There's a small crown pinned by his hair, and right on his pinkie, a ring with red glowing eyes snake. He was none other than Eunuch Sheng, with a smirk on his ugly face.



The Crown Prince was sitting on BaiYing's bed, with BaiYing lying down leaning on him. LuoXiang still holding the kid's hand, looked at the palm with his tiny, delicate fingers. He stroked the hair that was so close to his face so he could scent it.

BaiYing just sat with a gaze out of the window beside his room. The night sky even though it was completely dark, there were still several stars that were shining bright enough.

"YingYing, what are you thinking of?"

BaiYing grabbed LuoXiang's large palm. His hands were nothing on him, he was indeed a giant.

"Em, Your Majesty, is, what Brother Yo said is true? If, in my body, there's a part of dragon blood settled down. But, why, I just found it out now. Then, Grandpa OuYang says he can take the Bloodstone out completely"

The Crown Prince held his breath, whatever it was, he didn't care. He just didn't want BaiYing to be hurt at all because of that strange thing, that was his only concern.

BaiYing raised his body to look at the Crown Prince.

"Your Majesty, Brother Yo has the pills that Grandpa Ou gave. How about if we take it out, I will do it."

The Crown Prince saw BaiYing's face for a while, he raised his hand to stroke the young man's cheek.

"The risk is very high, YingYing, you can lose your life, I will not let you do it"

BaiYing grabbed Luo Xiang's hands, gripping them with two small hands that were still not enough to cover them.

"Your Majesty, this might be the only way, the killer will appear when I take out the stone. Grandpa Ou says, it is possible that my wound has already been healed and the stone is of no use to me anymore, so it's better to just take it out. This thing, the thing that caused my whole family to be killed, because they are looking for this."

The Crown Prince saw BaiYing's excited face. He was too innocent, a stupid child. He didn't know that the risk of removing the stone from his heart meant he had to let his heart stop beating first. At least BaiYing had to experience torpor for a while until the pearl came out of his body. He couldn't let that happens. How could he see BaiYing dying to take out that insignificant stone?
