The Royal Guest

"Princess, where have you been? We have been looking for you" the young man with a large stature greeted the girl. Although she still wanted to see the mysterious young man, the girl had no choice but to follow the man who picked her up.

"You guys, I said I wanted to go for a walk" the girl exclaimed.

"We don't have much time Princess, we must head to the palace before dark, everyone is waiting," said the young man. While following the young man and a few young guards to the main street, the girl still glanced at BaiYing.

BaiYing smiled as he straightened his slightly messy hair, he's really pretty. The girl's eyes lit up looking at him. She had never seen such a young man before, was he even a human?

Yan adjusted BaiYing's clothes.

"Your Majesty didn't get hit right?" he asked, BaiYing shook his head with a big smile.

"It's fine, she was just hit the mask"