aYa's Revenge

LuoXiang looked at BaiYing, gently, raised his other hand to caress BaiYing's front hair which fell as he bent down towards him.

"What? Is YingYing touched by my concern? You just found out that I care about you more than you know, didn't you?"

The Crown Prince's words made BaiYing pursed his lips, that man was always flattering himself.

"Your Majesty, we must hurry, otherwise the sun will get hotter, what if the sun burns my skin?"

Hearing BaiYing's shrill voice, who wanted to go to the valley as soon as possible, made the Crown Prince chuckle. He was exasperated and flicked BaiYing's forehead.

"This kid"

BaiYing groaned as he touched his forehead.

"It hurts, Your Majesty."

The Crown Prince put on BaiYing's other shoe, then stood up and took BaiYing's hand with him.

"Let's go, you are always impatient"