UnInvited Guests

LuoXiang kissed BaiYing's neck. The young man was amused and immediately tried to walk away.

"Your Majesty, it's tickled"

"I've been very careful, you smell so good, it's not my fault, is it?"

BaiYing tried to get the Crown Prince's embrace away from him,

"If it's not your fault, then who else? Is it me?"

The Crown Prince nodded.

"Yeah, it's your fault, why are you teasing me"

"I don't tease you"

The Crown Prince held BaiYing hands in front of his chest and raised his hand shifting BaiYing's face towards him. A pair of big round eyes were now looking at him with full eyes, and wet, sweet red lips. BaiYing swallowed his saliva whole as the Crown Prince's big hand shifted his head and tilted his head to kiss him.

"Emh so cute"

BaiYing was stunned for a moment until his brain cell suddenly worked again. He immediately pushed the Crown Prince and stood up from his seat.

"I-I'm going to find something to eat, hungry."