Blue Tag Prisoner

In the calm atmosphere at the Peony Garden, BaiYing was so bored that he spent his afternoon playing in the field pulling his kite high to the sky, with FuLan and LuiFan accompanying him. But instead of playing the kites with the young man, the two of them looked more like Mother and Aunt enjoying sitting under a big umbrella while playing cards keep an eye on their children.

"That Ying'er, he likes to play kites, not even afraid of getting sunburnt," said FuLan, throwing her card in front of Fan'er.

"Just let him be, Sister, he might be so bored. Erm sister, is it true that Yen'er is poisoned and has to go to LiuYang to get the antidote? Why wasn't I informed of such an important matter? That little sister always gets into trouble. I wonder why every time he is always unlucky, he is indeed always drawn troubles around him"

Lan'er pursed her lips, a little hesitant to say something that concubine Lui shouldn't know at all.