Suspicious Guest

BaiYing approached after getting tired of playing,

"Sister, have you seen that? My kite flew so high" cried Bai Ying.

FuLan nodded, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat on BaiYing forehead with her silk handkerchief.

"Yes, I can see that, look at your sweat. Don't play too long you will get exhausted, His Highness the Crown Prince can blame me again for not taking care of you"

BaiYing sat beside FuLan, his two maids helped to blow the heat away with the big fan in their hands.

"That's right, Your Majesty, we will also be scolded later," continued Bi.

While Yan passed the teacup into BaiYing's hand, FuLan was also busy fanning him, all paying close attention to BaiYing.

"You guys, His Highness the Crown Prince already know that I always play like this, you guys are exaggerating."

FuLan flicked BaiYing's forehead.