Weird Creature

BeiYau and his men draw their weapons ready.

"Insolent! You don't know who you've been dealing with? Who killed the Governor's son? That pervert was still alive when we saved all the village youths, after all that bastard deserves worse than just death, hey, what nonsense is this?"

"They are city prisoners, they should be locked up there, just surrender and we will let go the villagers, or, don't blame us for going too far!" cried the leader of the guards.

BeiYau smirked.

"Heh, going too far? You mean we are the ones who will go beyond the bounds"

"Killing the Governor's son is punishable by death! Attack all of them!"

As the city soldiers prepared to attack, from inside the house, LuoXiang appeared with BaiYing, ManYi and the other villagers followed behind them.