a Very suspiciously Man

The sound of water flowing from the top of the rock.

The water was so clear and cold, with some beautiful small fish swim in it, the large pond in front of the hut was definitely one of the favorite places for the elder who claimed to be called Elder Yi. BaiYing sat on a rock by the pond enjoying the cold water soaking his unbandaged feet, while Elder Yi approached carrying a small meal and pot of tea, the man sat beside BaiYing with a cheerful face.

"Wow, this is so nice, I get used to sitting here alone, but today I have someone who is accompanying me"

BaiYing chuckled.

"Hehehe does Elder Yi have been here for a long time?" he asked.

Elder Yi thought, the man who by his appearance was probably in his thirties to forties, still looked very young, but his figure looks like an old man.

"Erm, it's been a while, I don't even know how long, I stop counting the time"