This Matter.

"That, it would be very unlikely happened, Master Shin, since neither KuiZang city officials nor even SuZou would ever dare to deal with them, all turn a blind eye to what they were doing or they would lose their composure forever, the people from the Black Leaf Clan are numerous and violent, they do not hesitate to kidnap girls and rape them, several times their crimes just pass without anyone dare to punish them"

"Then why does that Young Master of the clan want your sister so much? And why did he say your sister is his wife?" Chen Ming asked.

XuYi turned his head, he's a bit hesitant before answering.

Crown Prince glanced at ShinYa, from the glance in his eyes ShinYa knew what Crown Prince ordered him, he approached XuYi extending his hand to help the young man up.

"Young Master Xu, it would be better if Young Master stand up first and says things more clearly"