Who come Along

"Please forgive my impudent Master, but please take me with you in your entourage, I also intend to go to the capital city to take the state entrance exam" That voice, BeiYau recognized the voice of the young man lowering his head in front of the Crown Prince, who else could it be if not XuYi.

"Young master Xu?" exclaimed BaiYing who had already parted the curtain of his carriage seeing the young man standing in the middle of the Crown Prince's fully alert troops

"Young master Hua"

Before long.

The group finally decided to rest for a while on the side of the road among the grove of trees, just to stretch their legs or enjoy their lunch.

Crown Prince's eyes still glanced sharply at XuYi, the young man who was now sitting right beside BaiYing, with them enjoying their short lunch.